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  • jooservices Friend

    itemid could easy get it by check id col of menuitem in Menu Manager page.

    Thank you

    cindycc Friend

    I cannot find the itemid for the Alf extension – when I make a new Main Menu item and pick the Alf Contact Form for the Menu Item Type, it shows this link : index.php?option=com_alfcontact&view=alfcontact

    As you can see, no itemid number.

    If you go to the page with this embedded (using iframe) extension *http://plainsmontessori.com), you can see that the extension cannot be found – I suspect becauase of the itemid.

    Please help! Can we meet on Team Viewer perhaps?


    Blaine Friend

    To find the Itemid of a news article or a third party component on your website you must create a menu link to that page first. Once a menu link exists then the page will have its own Itemid, which can be found in the Joomla administrator.

    That depends on whether or not you’re using a third party extension to enhance SEF for your Joomla! installation.
    Should a conflict occur with any installed component, it’s easy to block that component from being SEF processed.

    Here is a Joomla.org document on SEF also.

    In your administrator panel, click on Site->Global Configuration.
    – Next, click the “SEO” tab.
    – Set “Search Engine Friendly URLs:” to “No“, and click the “Save” button in the toolbar.

    Let me know if you need more help Cindy

    Blaine Friend

    Let me also add for other users:
    Joomla 1.0
    Log into the Joomla administrator then move your mouse over the Menu option from the main Joomla menu. From the drop down list select the menu that contains the link to your page. Then click on the menu item that contains the link to your page. This page will contain the URL of the menu link, including the Itemid. You can use this to get the Itemid.

    Joomla 15
    Log into the Joomla administrator then move your mouse over the Menu option from the main Joomla menu. From the drop down list select the menu that contains the link to your page. Then click on the menu item that contains the link to your page. This page will contain the ID of the menu link, this is the Itemid.

    Blaine Friend

    Try item id 542.
    No promises

    Blaine Friend

    Give me an hour and if still no luck, PM me with backend Super Admin access to the site please Cindy

    cindycc Friend

    I see why you make a menu item of type Contact Form now – so Joomla will assign the component an id. I turned off the SEF in the Global Configuration. Now I can see the itemid in the url when I click on the Contact Us page, but not when I click on the ALF2 page.

    OK – I have a menu item in the Main Menu of type Contact Form. It is named ALF2 (see http://www.plainsmontessori.com). I also have an ALF article with an iframe that is supposed to display the ALF component (click on Contact Us menu tab). However, the ALF works – means component working. But the embedded ALF extension (in the article) doesn’t work.

    Seems I am missing just something small. I was playing in the plugins, and I turned off the System-SEF plugin. When I did, the Contact Us article found the ALF extension ….



    cindycc Friend

    No – 542 didn’t work.

    Question about the itemid – are there itemid’s for components? Say an extension? So when you make a menu item for the extension, in my case, when looking at the Menu Items, is the Itemid displayed for that menu item the id of the menu item itself, or does it belong to the object to which the menu item points?

    Thanks –


    Blaine Friend

    Tell me the Joomla version being used please

    cindycc Friend

    Version 1.7 that I had Joomlart.com install for me using their QuickInstall.

    Blaine Friend

    Have you tried item id 119?
    If not please try and then I will tell you what I did if it resolves the problem.
    Do clear your site and browser cache before you view to see if item id worked.
    Also, have you simply emailed the developer and asked for support on how to do this?

    jooservices Friend

    after you create menu,press save and redirect back to menu manager. you can see itemid (id) col at right side.

    Blaine Friend

    This is what Joo was trying to tell you. i wanted to wait to hear if anything was working for you, but I guess this is as good a time as any to show you where to locate ID #. See my above posted screen shot of YOUR web site I went into Cindy!

    1. cindy
    cindycc Friend

    119 did not work (I did clear the cache). I will contact the component developer – let you know what he says. Thanks much –


    jooservices Friend

    just simply pm me ypur backend i will try quick do it in 5min.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

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