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  • imurillo Friend

    My web site is going to be in three languages Spanish, english and arabic unitag, with Jauniversity template, I installed sample datos and I want one different color for each web site, It means different templates and different styles,

    Is this true?, and I would like your suggestion how to do this web site…. is the site with the sample datos.

    Now I have Two templates BLUE COLOR
    for the website, I have Jauniversity-blue, Style: home
    And Jauniversity-blue-nosidebar, style: nosidebar,

    my queStion, Is necesary six template for three languages IN web site with different color ,

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>my queStion, Is necesary six template for three languages IN web site with different color ,</blockquote>

    answer to your question is Yes

    You should duplicate each template that you have for the main language ( default ) so if you have 2 templates

    1) Jauniversity-blue, Style: home
    2) Jauniversity-blue-nosidebar, style: nosidebar,

    You will need to duplicate them for each language installed and assign to them as menu type the specific language menu and set both of them as default template for the specific language

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>my queStion, Is necesary six template for three languages IN web site with different color ,</blockquote>

    answer to your question is Yes

    You should duplicate each template that you have for the main language ( default ) so if you have 2 templates

    1) Jauniversity-blue, Style: home
    2) Jauniversity-blue-nosidebar, style: nosidebar,

    You will need to duplicate them for each language installed and assign to them as menu type the specific language menu and set both of them as default template for the specific language

    imurillo Friend

    I understand, so I have to set the especific language for both templates. In default I have set each pair of templates the especific language arabic, english and spanish

    THanks alot

    imurillo Friend

    I understand, so I have to set the especific language for both templates. In default I have set each pair of templates the especific language arabic, english and spanish

    THanks alot

    imurillo Friend

    Hi pavit, Id does not work if I set two templates for each language, only is posible to set one language to one template or is not possible to set twice the same languaje.

    I need two templates for each language because i want some pages with sidebar and other pages no sidebar .

    The problem is the second template , Predeteminado: change to No, so it did not show the second english flag, you can see the image

    Could you suggest a solution?

    imurillo Friend

    Hi pavit, Id does not work if I set two templates for each language, only is posible to set one language to one template or is not possible to set twice the same languaje.

    I need two templates for each language because i want some pages with sidebar and other pages no sidebar .

    The problem is the second template , Predeteminado: change to No, so it did not show the second english flag, you can see the image

    Could you suggest a solution?

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>Could you suggest a solution?</blockquote>

    If you can send me via Private Message a temp super user account to your backend i will have a look at your configuration and maybe suggest a better solution to this problem

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>Could you suggest a solution?</blockquote>

    If you can send me via Private Message a temp super user account to your backend i will have a look at your configuration and maybe suggest a better solution to this problem

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 9 years, 1 month ago.

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