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  • miworkshop Friend


    Our website is running slow…even after upgrading to the latest versions of T3, Joomla, and Teline IV.

    I have tried some of the suggestions on this forum–compressing/joining/minifying Javascript and CSS, disabling dev mode, enabling cache–and our website is still running super slow. We have made a bunch of changes to the Teline IV template, but those are all basically CSS changes.

    Is there anything else we could try?

    Manos Moderator


    It’s a really nice job and one of the heaviest modified versions of JA Teline IV. As for the speed i am afraid that the main problem is on the size of your web page -> The page has a total of 184 components and a total weight of 3881.2K bytes

    Is this on a dedicated server / vps / shared ? what ?

    An other solution to this is probably the use of a CDN or Amazon (you can use JA Amazon S3 component) to improve the page load time.


    miworkshop Friend

    Hi pascm,

    This is on a shared server. What tool did you use to find the components and weight of the page?

    I will look into the CDN.


    Manos Moderator


    I used yslow. Since this is on a shared hosting server, i suggest a VPS or Dedicated.
    I prefer dedicated hosting because it’s the best way to deal with your hosting needs and you can make any kind of configuration you wish in order to make it ideal for your website needs.
    If you need some suggestions please feel free to send me a pm.


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Manos 12 years, 10 months ago.

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