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  • wan fadli Developer

    Dear JA;

    After i finished my designed. I founded weird code appeared in my website at the top of the website. When i view page sourced, i founded this code:

    <link href=”/0″ <=”<” />
    <link href=”/1″ <=”<” />
    <link href=”/2″ <=”<” />

    but the problem is i can’t find the sourced of the problem and don’t know how to remove this code. I hope anybody can give me the solution to fixes this problem.

    demo live site : http://demo-htar.biossdcongress.com/
    template: JA Portfolio

    view the page sourced code and you will find the code..


    jooservices Friend

    Please update me your FTP account. I’ll try to find out this .
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    wan fadli Developer

    <em>@jooservices 266091 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    Please update me your FTP account. I’ll try to find out this .
    Thank you
    Viet Vu</blockquote>

    I already PM you the details.. I really hope that you can help me this time..

    thank you.


    If anybody get the the solutions. Please reply my post

    thank you.

    jooservices Friend

    I’m sorry but possible with back-end access provide please ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    wan fadli Developer

    <em>@jooservices 266103 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    I’m sorry but possible with back-end access provide please ?
    Thank you
    Viet Vu</blockquote>

    Dear jooservice;

    i PM you the backend access..

    thank you.

    jooservices Friend

    <em>@wan fadli 266105 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear jooservice;

    i PM you the backend access..

    thank you.</blockquote>

    I’m here. Sorry actually i’ve not yet find out which error line code. But as far i can see, some thing used JDocument for adding and missed attributes.
    JDocumentRendererHead render head but w/o catched this case so they have trouble.

    $buffer .= $tab.'<link href="'.$link.'" '.$linkAtrr['relType'].'="'.$linkAtrr['relation'].'"';
    if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs'])) {
    $buffer .= ' '.$temp;
    $buffer .= ' />'.$lnEnd;

    Actually i think this should be Joomla bug. They should catch a case missing attribs before render.
    If you allow i’ll make patch this for your site.
    This’s my patch

    if ( is_array($linkAtrr) ) {
    $buffer .= $tab.'<link href="'.$link.'" '.$linkAtrr['relType'].'="'.$linkAtrr['relation'].'"';
    if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs'])) {
    $buffer .= ' '.$temp;
    $buffer .= ' />'.$lnEnd;

    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    wan fadli Developer

    <em>@jooservices 266167 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    I’m here. Sorry actually i’ve not yet find out which error line code. But as far i can see, some thing used JDocument for adding and missed attributes.
    JDocumentRendererHead render head but w/o catched this case so they have trouble.

    $buffer .= $tab.'<link href="'.$link.'" '.$linkAtrr['relType'].'="'.$linkAtrr['relation'].'"';
    if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs'])) {
    $buffer .= ' '.$temp;
    $buffer .= ' />'.$lnEnd;

    Actually i think this should be Joomla bug. They should catch a case missing attribs before render.
    If you allow i’ll make patch this for your site.
    This’s my patch

    if ( is_array($linkAtrr) ) {
    $buffer .= $tab.'<link href="'.$link.'" '.$linkAtrr['relType'].'="'.$linkAtrr['relation'].'"';
    if ($temp = JArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs'])) {
    $buffer .= ' '.$temp;
    $buffer .= ' />'.$lnEnd;

    Thank you
    Viet Vu</blockquote>

    Dear Jooservice;

    thanks for your answer.. can i know which files and lines should i patch this code. ?

    thank you..

    jooservices Friend

    Please do with file


    Line 97
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    n6rej Friend

    joo go file this with your diff patch in J! tracker plz.

    include test instruction on how to replicate and verify its fixed.

    jooservices Friend

    <em>@n6rej 266368 wrote:</em><blockquote>joo go file this with your diff patch in J! tracker plz.

    include test instruction on how to replicate and verify its fixed.</blockquote>
    I hope i know how to report lol
    I’ll post it into my own site 🙂

    wan fadli Developer

    Dear Jooservice and support team!

    problem solved..

    thank for the help… 😉

    jooservices Friend

    Glad to hear that.
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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