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  • philkao Friend


    i want take a licence for create just 1 website for my client. just 1 domain. when i see your proposition i want take the big licence developper (499$…). that’s true? you dont have an solution with a little price?…

    Michael Casha Friend

    Just the standard 3 month license should be fine in this occasion.

    philkao Friend

    ok thank’s MiCCAS…

    Michael Casha Friend

    You’re welcome, if you have any more questions let me know 🙂

    bellab28 Friend

    I have been reading through all the posts relating to license and I am now extremely confused! I have just bought the 1 year $70 license thinking that i could use three templates on three domains for my customers. From reading these threads it appears I can’t! Is that correct? Given this thread and others – what should I have purchased? – the three month option – or should my client have purchased that and given me login details to download the template OR can i buy on behalf of a client?

    As I joined this as a free member initially, when I came on to upgrade I was auto logged in so the screen that has the list of questions prior to buying was not there!!!!! This is how I missed this all important fact! It is not clear in the FAQ which I studied prior to buying.

    What do I do now? – I havent downloaded anything – can I get a refund and purchase the appropriate license? It would seem that many smaller designers/developers have this gripe! Allowing three templates on three domains would seem to solve this issue that many seem to have.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bellab28 16 years, 8 months ago.

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