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  • anisjolly Friend

    can’t believe people are complaining. I’m sure JA will not do you out of what your membership allows you to have.

    chill! – the templates will come. as if there’s not enough on the site to use anyways. :p

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@anisjolly 64693 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    chill! – the templates will come. as if there’s not enough on the site to use anyways. :p</blockquote>

    Here is not issue if it will come or not, but when?! For what we are paying for? For promises or for real products that are released on time, without delaying and without malfunctions.

    Both circumstances (on time, and bugs free) were defined not by us, customers, but by JA itself.

    This is the matter of professional ethics and customers treatment.

    Menalto Friend

    To prevent more complains about this i think its about time some changes come in place, both for release dates, bug fixes, workflow. And then i mean some real changes that the customers will see.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Be cool guys, I can understanding how you feel waiting. We are alll working hard on the template (though it is not a good excuse)
    I am putting the countdown timer in the next hour.

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 64754 wrote:</em><blockquote>Be cool guys, I can understanding how you feel waiting. We are alll working hard on the template (though it is not a good excuse)
    I am putting the countdown timer in the next hour.</blockquote>

    To be cool?! Is it your serious answer Mr. Hung?!

    Do we have to be cool with bugs and problems too? Do we have to be cool with poor customer treatment also?! Do we have to be cool with constant ignorance by JA developers?

    Do we have to be cool, while you have our money for products you are not releasing on time and without malfunctions?!

    tempusserbia Friend

    This issue is not about waiting and delaying, IT’S ABOUT CONSTANT PROMISES NON – FULFILMENT.

    JA is full of promises, for God sake try to fulfill only one.

    Menalto Friend

    tempusserbia, they work on the new template now as we speak. And as i mentioned in an earlier post here, no releases in the weekend since the office is closed then, so if lets say the 5 a month is on a friday, nothing will be released before next week…..

    questbg Friend

    <em>@Menalto 64760 wrote:</em><blockquote>And as i mentioned in an earlier post here, no releases in the weekend since the office is closed then

    Strange though that they’re happy to take even more money from people for a Professional Installation … even though the office is closed:

    “You will have very fast turn around and delivery – even on Sunday.”

    According to the sales pitch I just read on this very web site 😉

    So … I read all this as:

    Take money from people: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week

    Release templates: 2 per month, but not on weekends or when promised

    Offer support to current clients: Never

    Not that I want a new template, it’s taken me four weeks to try and iron the bugs out of the one I’ve downloaded to date.

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@Menalto 64760 wrote:</em><blockquote>tempusserbia, they work on the new template now as we speak. And as i mentioned in an earlier post here, no releases in the weekend since the office is closed then, so if lets say the 5 a month is on a friday, nothing will be released before next week…..</blockquote>

    What was stopping them to release new template on Friday (4th of July) ?! Maybe they are celebrating America’s Independence Day?! :laugh:

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tempusserbia 64756 wrote:</em><blockquote>To be cool?! Is it your serious answer Mr. Hung?!

    Do we have to be cool with bugs and problems too? Do we have to be cool with poor customer treatment also?! Do we have to be cool with constant ignorance by JA developers?
    Constant “ignorance” by JA Developers?

    Tell you what . . . If you think you have all the answers and can do a better job, let’s see YOU start your own Template Club and see how flawless you operate.

    bigrk Friend

    Tom you have been bought out by the JA. You are always protecting them now. What happened to the old Tom?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 64787 wrote:</em><blockquote>Tom you have been bought out by the JA. You are always protecting them now. What happened to the old Tom?</blockquote>
    I haven’t been bought by anyone . . . I am an equal opportunity critic.

    Believe me, I am right there with you in that many of the JA templates leave much to be desired – especially in terms of code structure (very unintuitive (especially css structure)). The frequency and availability of quality support is also fairly lacking – no argument.

    On the flipside, there are several JA templates which, in my opinion, offer some great starting-point features. The original Teline is still one of the best – and (again, in my opinion), Rochea, Quijilla, Pariti, and several others are right up there with them, (I, myself, am using JA-Iris as a base (doing some heavy modifications) – as it offered the base functions I wanted).

    However, I also understand the difficulties of running a business. While I’m sure we all would love to see new template releases exactly on the 1st and 15th of each month, I simply don’t see a reason to create a new thread like clockwork on the 5th and/or 20th complaining about the latest template not being released on time . . . of course, followed by the clockwork “this template is just like the rest” comments.

    Once again, it is my strong opinion (and suggestion) that JA switch to a ONE A MONTH template release schedule – like the majority of other template clubs – so that they can concentrate on qu7ality STABLE releases (as opposed to “catering” to the “two-a-month demanding members and releasing beta versions). It simply stands to rational logic.

    Anyway, I comment where I see cause to do so – whatever / wherever the case may be.


    bigrk Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 64795 wrote:</em><blockquote>On the flipside, there are several JA templates which, in my opinion, offer some great starting-point features. The original Teline is still one of the best – and (again, in my opinion), Rochea, Quijilla, Pariti, and several others are right up there with them, (I, myself, am using JA-Iris as a base (doing some heavy modifications) – as it offered the base functions I wanted).

    Once again, it is my strong opinion (and suggestion) that JA switch to a ONE A MONTH template release schedule – like the majority of other template clubs – so that they can concentrate on qu7ality STABLE releases (as opposed to “catering” to the “two-a-month demanding members and releasing beta versions). It simply stands to rational logic.</blockquote>

    Have you tried to use the old templates for J1.5, They all still have the original bugs that came with the initial releases. And once again the quality would not change by going to one template a month. And there is no rational logic in the way that JA is currently handling the templates club.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 64854 wrote:</em><blockquote>And once again the quality would not change by going to one template a month. And there is no rational logic in the way that JA is currently handling the templates club.</blockquote>

    You don’t know this.

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 64772 wrote:</em><blockquote>Constant “ignorance” by JA Developers?

    Tell you what . . . If you think you have all the answers and can do a better job, let’s see YOU start your own Template Club and see how flawless you operate.</blockquote>

    But, I DO NOT WANT TO MANAGE, or I DO NOT KNOW TO MANAGE template club, cause of that I have paid to JA, cause they are CLAIMING THAT THEY KNOW TO MANAGE template club.

    Once again, I LIKE JA templates, but I do not like customer treatment, and constant promises and nothing else.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)

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