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  • bigrk Friend

    I’m not really being a critic here but it seems like this has all been discussed before and I have no interest in taking a side in this one. I just wish that there was a plan in place for how things are done here. There was supposed to be one but now we are a little more than a week away from the next template release and we are waiting until Monday to try and resolve the issues being discussed here. I moderate but have no say about what happens on the development side.

    TomC Moderator

    forgestoneMany questions cluttering the forums are actually questions about Joomla, not so much the template, or from people who just don’t take the time to do their own research and seem to think they should have to know no more than how to log in to the admin console in order to have the most advanced Joomla template available.[/quote]
    I couldn’t agree with you more. Far too many people on this (and other template clubs) seem to be under the impression that templates are meant to be turnkey/built-to-go websites where they don’t have to put forth any effort whatsoever in customizing/modifying the template to suite their particular needs/site theme. Such has never been the intent or purpose of JoomlART – never.

    If one wants to work within a Joomla environment, then one needs to put in the time and effort into learning the basics upon which Joomla templates and functions are based – i.e. css web design and elementary php

    Because there is a _huge_ laundy list of valid concerns spread across the forums that get no response. I think there are several steps Joomlart could take that would not necessarily be costly that would dramatically improve support and cause a lot less frustration for people.

    Though I am not associated with the JA Staff in any way (other than being a zealous member), I would be interested in hearing some suggestions for this. For myself, I try to help out others to the best of my ability/knowledge. Admittedly, my knowledge isn’t as advanced as I wish it were – but I do my best nevertheless when I can. Also, there are a few people here who go out of their way to help people – Menalto is certainly at the top of the list in this regard.

    Honestly, I do believe there are a lot of members who have a great deal of knowledge . . . but they simply do not care to bother to check the Forums and/or lend a helping hand when/if they can. Hey, different strokes for different folks . . . not everyone has a “helpful” bone in their body.

    The thing is, I think anyone would be hard pressed to find ANY template club where 100% of the questions are addressed 100% of the time. That’s simply the reality of the situation. I do think that there are a lot of people here on this JA Forum who try to help as best they can. Nevertheless, a bit more involvement form the JA Development Team would be a welcome effort.

    mfcphil Friend

    Well said Tom…I was/am very much like yourself Tom, I don’t know anywhere near what Menalto and Miccas do but helped out when and where I could…and you would not believe how hard it is sometimes, having to bite my lip because some people (who never help anyone ever) just spend there time complaining about every new template or moaning about the lack of support, when they themselves never lift a finger to make things better.
    And before you all start saying “stop moaning thats what you get paid for”…some of us do this for nothing…we just want to help you!!!

    starmed Friend

    <blockquote>having to bite my lip because some people (who never help anyone ever) just spend there time complaining about every new template or moaning about the lack of support, when they themselves never lift a finger to make things better.</blockquote>

    I suppose I fall into this camp?

    Please explain to me how I am supposed to make things better? Jump to JA’s defence every time they put half a$$ effort into something? I am not sorry that I speak up when things are wrong and would rather be labeled “negative nellie” then to watch what happens; or even worse, apologize for it.

    As far as the “never lift a finger” part goes, how do you know who helps who? You can feel free to base that assumption on what takes place in the forum, but you are wrong.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@starmed 47600 wrote:</em><blockquote>Please explain to me how I am supposed to make things better? Jump to JA’s defence every time they put half a$$ effort into something? I am not sorry that I speak up when things are wrong and would rather be labeled “negative nellie” then to watch what happens; or even worse, apologize for it.[/quote]
    So, I suppose what your saying is that you fully comprehend all of the issues and effort that goes into making these templates and operating this business – so much so that you feel you could do a better job – yes?

    This may be news to you, but you’re not going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. You may not like a particular month’s template offering, but this doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. Just because every last question you have ever asked on the Forum may not get answered to your satisfaction doesn’t make the Forum and/or JA “half-assed” or any less of a beneficial resource. Heck, I haven’t been blown-away by every template released – but that’s okay … this isn’t the “cater only to Tom” template club.

    The fact of the matter is that not everyone is going to be pleased with every single template release. And guess what, none of the JA Development Team has ever claimed to be perfect . . . they are human beings just like you and me and they are going to make mistakes/errors from time to time. From what I’ve seen, so long as issues are brought to their attention in a timely and respectful manner, they are generally resolved.

    Not only that, but I’m seeing a lot of whining and complaining lately about how people don’t like having to turn to other members for questions, issues, ideas, etc. Why? What is do bad about it? When another member tries to help, is it such a bad thing? I especially find it ironic how some people complain about lack of when they, themselves, offer up little more than complaints.

    <em>@starmed 47600 wrote:</em><blockquote>As far as the “never lift a finger” part goes, how do you know who helps who? You can feel free to base that assumption on what takes place in the forum, but you are wrong.</blockquote>
    How about because we can tell who offers assistance and who doesn’t by virtue of the reply itself – it’s got the person’s username right there – just like how we know who wrote your post.

    How would basing such an assumption on what we see within the Forum be wrong?
    It’s right there as documented evidence.

    Is there some other form of assistance or helping others within the JA Community that you would like to make us aware of in support of your “you are wrong” assertion?


    bigrk Friend

    I think that possibly and I might be wrong but possibly they might offer assistance to others but just not to JoomlArt forums users. There are many more rewarding things in life that a person can volunteer for that are outside of this forum. Helping here really isn’t that rewarding unless your post actually helps someone. 😉

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 47611 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think that possibly and I might be wrong but possibly they might offer assistance to others but just not to JoomlArt forums users. There are many more rewarding things in life that a person can volunteer for that are outside of this forum. Helping here really isn’t that rewarding unless your post actually helps someone. ;)</blockquote>
    Yes, but the issue some are complaining about is the help/support here at JoomlART.

    Help and Support need not be limited to the “official” JA Staff. This is what makes the Community Forum such a valuable resource – others who might be able to assist . . . others such as Menalto, instantinlaw and (if possible/when I’m able), myself. I’m pretty sure there are many more who possess the knowledge to assist – they simply (for whatever reason) choose not to.

    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@starmed 47600 wrote:</em><blockquote>I suppose I fall into this camp?

    Please explain to me how I am supposed to make things better? Jump to JA’s defence every time they put half a$$ effort into something? I am not sorry that I speak up when things are wrong and would rather be labeled “negative nellie” then to watch what happens; or even worse, apologize for it.

    As far as the “never lift a finger” part goes, how do you know who helps who? You can feel free to base that assumption on what takes place in the forum, but you are wrong.</blockquote>

    Well there you go Your right and I’m wrong…you know best 🙂

    starmed Friend

    I give up, everyone seems to be satisfied with what is provided. Must just be me.


    TomC Moderator

    <em>@starmed 47618 wrote:</em><blockquote>I give up, everyone seems to be satisfied with what is provided. Must just be me.
    Sadly, you’re missing the point . . . only seeing what you want to see.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    If I understand starmed correctly it is the OFFICIAL support which is lacking. I would assume that starmed and everyone else admits that there are a lot of people here helping out on a regular basis with their free assistance and helpful hands.

    The point is that JA is doing too little, too slow to fix their problems…

    When I see releases of the kind of the latest I truly agree with those who come with critique of JA.

    It is hard to stay enthused when sometimes it takes 3 weeks to get a reply on a question. Not all questions are “valid” but some are very much valid and still doesn’t get the proper attention.

    Well, enough about this. What can anyone do to improve the situation??

    Does JA have any suggestions on this themselves?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Well I can see some good improvement in support recently from both staff as well as our members. There are users giving out support at Forum are staff members if you have already known.

    BTW, the Fedora will be updated to new version in a few hours.

    Hung Dinh Friend
    mj1256 Friend

    Right on to tcraw1010

    templates are not to be used as an “out of the box” solution, just a starting point.

    flame me if you will, but what I have seen is that the real issue is that joomla and templates are not a replacement for not knowing html, php, graphics, css, etc.

    Many of the issues have to deal with just not knowing how joomla works are are outside of the scope of the template support community.

    ShannonN Friend

    Hung Dinh;47504Hi all,
    We are acknoledge some of the bug and are working to provide the updated packages as soon as we can.
    I am sorry for inconvinience. It is Sunday so we need a little more time

    But Hung, while we appreciate you and JA workers need weekends and have a life, the main issue and a long standing one is there seems to be very little debugging or testing prior to the new template going up, it needs more time to test by qualified JA personnel such as Menalto, Erik and maybe even the 16 yr old that abuses his position 🙂 ( Hello MiCCAS)

    To have a demo on a worldwide accessible product showcase that doesn’t even work properly is a shambles and you need to rectify quickly, why not put the demo up and ask selected members in various countries to review and comment prior to opening it to public?

    If you make a Quickstart, it must contain the complete demo look and feel. While I see there is a difference between mageia and fedora you must admit it does seem more of a mageia 2 than a really new design. We have had this issue many times before and I’d really love to see innovative designs and colour schemes such as Fagus, unfortunate name but great design and look. To put a rushed bug ridden largely untested template up and then after you are inundated with complaints say Hi guys, we need more time, is unprofessional and unacceptable to the professionals your target market appears to be?

    The template should NOT be released until its been put to every test in every type of browser and even on mac computers etc. I want to see my investment in JA realised and JA move forward as a great design team, but sadly JA slips back to mediocrity time and time again.

    Just my thoughts and 2 cents worth


Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 67 total)

This topic contains 67 replies, has 28 voices, and was last updated by  ShannonN 16 years, 6 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum