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  • hultman Friend

    I can’t find the the new features function, so I can choose which pics are going to show up in the Ja slider module.

    Joomla 1.0.13 , Avian II and the modified RS2 Gallery from Joomlart


    kashxo Friend
    hultman Friend

    I installed everything , but can’t find this anywhere…

    “Enhance Feature properties for each image: users can easily grant any images with “feature” to be rendered in the JA RS Slide”

    kashxo Friend

    You can found it by selecting Images from RSGallery2 and click on each image to see the radio button

    hultman Friend

    There is no such button there, I downloaded Avian II and your modified RS” Gallery for Joomla 1.x.x.x but there is nosuch feature there?

    hultman Friend

    I just did a fresh install with the latest from your download sektion and I am still not able to find any Feature button at all. What am I doing wrong? Please reoly asap.


    horacio Friend

    i have the same problem on 1.5 stable, seem the Feature only has been removed.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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