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  • fmt000 Friend

    I’ve installed TelineV, I am creating new categories, I am basing my new news section on what there is already there, for example health: news-health. I notice on the menu there is a position setting, as mention in here: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/event-layout#assign-content
    I check health and it has news-health… then on modules you set the main modules on that position. But what if I have my new category: CategoryI and I want to have my news-categoryi… how/where should I define that, so that that appear on the list of possition settings? and that I can set modules in that position?… Thanks in advance.

    pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Ja Teline V has a different way from joomla core to manage positions at least for page you are seeing on the demo

    Menu items are using a single blank page where you are assigning a virtual position name,


    If you are assigning news-home to the main menu item then all modules assigned to that "virtual" position will be showed only in the home page

    If you indeed want to use classical joomla layout then you will need to create a standard joomla menu item and use positions available for that "default" layout.

    Hope i cleared your question.

    fmt000 Friend

    Sorry, I don’t catch it, so if I want to create a new category, let say category1, then I go to menu and create a blank page menu option called catogory1 where I want to show articles of the new category1, I will need to create a JA ACM Module with the featured news of that category, that module which position should have?
    Based on the sample data, Health category, has a Health Menu item, with news-health… then the modules like [Magazine – Health] Featured News is set to position news-health… I want to have something similar for my category1 but I’m not sure how to achieve that.

    fmt000 Friend

    I mean, can you bring me a step by step guide on how should I set a new category, new menu item, with new module similar on how the sample data is set. Thanks.

    pavit Moderator


    You will need to create a new menu item as special page blank content and assign to it the position events-home selecting your events category in choose a category ( look at first 2 images below )

    Then you can create articles as type events and assign them to your events category

    Now you can create ja acm modules [Magazine – Events] – Featured Events and [Magazine – Events] Category Events Listingand publish them in events-home position assigning them to the events menu item you previously created .

    that’s all

    Remember to assign to your events menu item the events layout as showed in last image below.

    Hope it helped.

    HERE all the steps into documentation page

    1. Screenshot-at-set-08-13-16-53
    2. Screenshot-at-set-08-13-17-12
    3. Screenshot-at-set-08-13-19-24
    4. Screenshot-at-set-08-13-24-05
    fmt000 Friend

    So, Am I tied to use one of the existent categories? what if I want a category called "Category ZZZ", with magazine structure.

    pavit Moderator

    It is not a category question but a article type ( events) and menu item layout

    You can use one of your existent categories and publish them on magazine page layout if you use one of the other ja acm modules and not events module type.

    Please install quickstart package on a new folder ( it is a demo copy ) and look at all events settings so you can replicate them on your website.


    fmt000 Friend

    I think you are loosing track of what my need is. Please could you follow the messages… Or If I am missing something clarify. I don’t want to create an article/event, I want to add the menu option that says CategoryX to my menu, and that shows CategoryX articles there, that the modules [Magazine CategoryX] Featured News can be created and assigned to position categoryx-news.

    I’ve installed TelineV, I am creating new categories, I am basing my new news section on what there is already there (On the quickstart package installation), for example health: news-health. I notice on the menu there is a position setting, as mention in here: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/event-layout#assign-content
    I check health and it has news-health… then on modules you set the main modules on that position. But what if I have my new category: CategoryX and I want to have my news-categoryx (position)… how/where should I define that, so that that appear on the list of position settings? and that I can set modules in that position?… Thanks in advance.

    pavit Moderator

    I think you are loosing track of what my need is.

    Maybe you could explain better what you need , look below

    I want to add the menu option that says CategoryX to my menu,

    You cannot add menu options

    You have 2 choices

    1) Use special page blank as showed above ( pretty Teline_V customization )

    2) Use Joomla core layout ( you should use default layout )

    So i explained how Teline_V works for modules positions and new menu items creation

    Now please explain in details giving more clear details ( maybe you can read basic Joomla settings on Joomla.org website )

    fmt000 Friend

    Sorry, what I am trying to create is not a type of menu item, is just a menu item. On the main menu, the quickstart package has World – Technology – Sport – Health – etcetc.

    I need World – Technology – Sport – Health – MyNewsCategory – etcetc…

    So, I’ve created MyNewsCategory on the article manager, I add some articles.
    Next step I’ve created MyNewsCategory, main menu item, with type: "special page blank"…
    Great til there. Now I see the MyNewsCategory in the main menu, but when I click is empty. I believe that I should set some modules there, I checked on health or sport, and I saw that the modules [Magazine-Sport] Featured News or [Magazine Health]… modules are each set to news-health or news-sport position. I want to create my module [Magazine MyNewsCategory] Featured News and set on news-mynewscategory position. Let me know if is more clear now. Thanks!

    pavit Moderator

    In your menu item MyNewsCategory that should be a special page blank content type in position setting tab add your VIRTUAL position name "mynews-home" or whatever you want name , then publish your ja acm modules assigning them to position "mynews-home" .

    1. Screenshot-at-set-10-08-18-40
    fmt000 Friend
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    fmt000 Friend
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Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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