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  • lorian23 Friend

    As i ask in the title: Where can i edit the text of JA Thumbnail? I want to translate the “1of 2” and the “previous” and “next” -texts in article view

    cyprusmedya Friend

    these texts are on language files and all language files can be found in the language directory of your ftp. it should be something like public_html/language/en-GB

    lorian23 Friend

    Im well aware of this, but i cant figure out exactly what file im supposed to edit

    cyprusmedya Friend

    there should be a mod_jathumbnail.ini you should look for this.

    Manos Moderator


    In order to translate “of” you have to edit /plugins/content/plg_jathumbnail/tmpl/thumbnail.php around line 40

    <li class="counter"><?php echo JText::sprintf('<span class="item">%d</span> of <span class="total">%d</span>',1,count($images))?></li>


    <li class="counter"><?php echo JText::sprintf('<span class="item">%d</span> prefered string <span class="total">%d</span>',1,count($images))?></li>

    Previews and next should be handled by joomla core language files.
    I hope that helps you out!



    khoand Friend

    pascm’t way is correct. Another way is flexible. You replace this code from /plugins/content/plg_jathumbnail/tmpl/thumbnail.php

    <li class="counter"><?php echo JText::sprintf('<span class="item">%d</span> of <span class="total">%d</span>',1,count($images))?></li>


    <li class="counter"><?php echo JText::sprintf('<span class="item">%d</span> '.JText::_('of').' <span class="total">%d</span>',1,count($images))?></li>

    You add this code into /language/your-language/your-language.ini (ex: /language/en-GB/en-GB.ini)

    OF="your text"

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  khoand 13 years, 4 months ago.

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