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  • btreynolds1 Friend

    We need to do https to all media files.

    Did it for all .

    But not getting the file, where these lines are embedded,

    <blockquote><script type=”text/javascript”>
    var siteurl=’http://www.domain.com/’;
    var tmplurl=’http://www.domain.com/templates/ja_mesolite_ii’;
    [04/08/11 6:19:04 PM] Jason Anderson | QubeSys Technologies: <link href=”http://www.domain.com/templates/ja_mesolite_ii/css/menu/mega.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /><script src=”http://www.domain.com/templates/ja_mesolite_ii/js/menu/mega.js” language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”></script>
    <link href=”https://www.domain.com/templates/ja_mesolite_ii/css/colors/default.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” /></blockquote>

    btreynolds1 Friend

    I just need to make them all https://

    btreynolds1 Friend

    Anyone ?

    Let me know.

    btreynolds1 Friend

    I dont see any reply yet.

    Whats up ?

    lorddonk Friend

    Hi maybe you could try opening your FTP and finding your “configuration.php” file and find the line that says live_site= ‘ ‘ and change it to live_site = ‘http://yourrealdomain.com’ (Don’t put a slash on the end) Save it and reupload it and see if that helps?

    Sorry you haven’t gotten an official answer yet. If this doesn’t work post back and hopefully someone else can help you. The support really seems to be more active on the weekends

    btreynolds1 Friend

    That was the first step, I did 4 days back.

    Doesnt work!!

    btreynolds1 Friend

    And I dont want to do that, since that will turn whole website into https.

    I just need to hardcode all the assets to https:// , and we almost succeeded in doing that.

    Just this two files of mega menu are left, since we are not able to find, where JA has coded the link in the files.

    Once we get that, we can hardcode it to https:// and we are good then.

    sam03 Friend

    A Big Star is Born in Hollywood !
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This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sam03 13 years, 5 months ago.

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