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  • cgc0202 Friend


    In Teline II and perhaps other templates, apart from the “default” presentation of the FrontPage module, the contents of the FrontPage module may be presented using the headline_fp.php as shown in this Sandbox (experiments) site:

    Teline II Sandbox 099

    It has a default title: HEADLINE which is boring and ugly as hell. I tried to find it all over the place to

    1. replace the title HEADLINE with a phrase more relevant to a website, e.g., CGC’s Reflections
    2. convert it from uppercase to Normal , e.g., CGC’s Reflections

    I cannot seem to find where HEADLINE was defined in the files of mod_janews_fp. I also cannot find the CSS tag that provides the specifications of HEADLINE

    <span id="jahl-headlineanchor">Headline</span>

    in order to be able to modify the specifications.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.


    <div id="jazin-hlwrap">
    <div class="jazin-contentwrap clearfix" style="width: 100%;">

    <div class="ja-newsitem" style="width: 100%;">
    <div class="ja-newsitem-inner" style="width: 100%;">
    <div class="ja-newscat">
    <span id="jahl-headlineanchor">Headline</span>

    <div class="jahl-newscontrol">
    <li><img title="Pause" style="cursor: pointer;" id="jahl-switcher" onclick="jaNewsHL.toogle(); return false;" src="/modules/mod_janews_fp/ja.news/pause.png" alt="Pause" border="0" /></li>
    <li><img title="" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="jaNewsHL.prev(); return false;" id="jahl-prev" src="/modules/mod_janews_fp/ja.news/prev.png" alt="Previous" border="0" /></li>
    <li><img title="" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="jaNewsHL.next(); return false;" id="jahl-next" src="/modules/mod_janews_fp/ja.news/next.png" alt="Next" border="0" /></li>
    <span id="jahl-indicator">1/7</span>

    <div id="jahl-newsitem">
    <span class="article_seperator"> </span>

    scotty Friend

    Open mod_janews_fp in the module manager and in parameters advanced you input the ‘headline’ text.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@scotty 123260 wrote:</em><blockquote>Open mod_janews_fp in the module manager and in parameters advanced you input the ‘headline’ text.</blockquote>

    Thanks Scotty,

    My Father used to tease me when I was young: “If it were a snake, it would have beaten you already.”

    I was there actually, and it looked familiar. I even changed the time then focused on something else with the layout. The when I saw it in the layout, it looked odd. I thought I saw it elsewhere and kept looking where I thought I have seen it — except where you pointed.

    This layout really looked good for simpler sites, more intimate, like a personal page even if I use the Teline II. That’s why I posted this thread.

    Timing out problems

    The layout looks good in Camino, Firefox and Netscape, but to my dismay though, the layout is timing out when I tried it in Safari. It is timing out also for the Latest and Popular.

    What’s more problematic, when I visited the Apple Store this weekend, some of the layout changes that we worked out here is not working well with the latest Safari in the latest Mac computers. It does not like Menalto’s solution to the collapsible column.

    My feeling is that this might not be an issue of something incorrect with Menalto’s script but more because of the “timing out” issue — not all the scripts were read properly. I noticed incorrect layouts when this was happenning today.

    Part of the problem is my old computer. But, as slow my computer is, they still have slower connection back home — the target audience, especially for my personal sites. So, I have to rethink features I have to consider.


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