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  • ezziemac Friend

    I am trying to figure out a good place to put breadcrumbs.
    There is space I can use above the ‘Search’ (see capture 1)
    or below the slideshow (see capture 2) if I add a bigger bottom margin to the slideshow.

    But, I can’t figure out how to put something else into either of these module positions. For example, I can put several items in position ‘left’ and they display as I order them, but if I put more than one thing in the seach or slideshow positiom, they overlap.


    Hopefully someone can help me. Thank you in advance

    1. breadcrumbs-capture-1
    2. breadcrumbs-capture-2
    himangi Friend

    Modules in same position will overlap or 1 module wont show up if the area (width and height) given for the position is not enough to accomodate all modules in the position.

    You can place <block name=”navhelper” type=”navhelper” main-inner=”1″></block> wherever you want in Top / Bottom Block. Navhelper does not show up in Middle Block.

    khoand Friend

    Modules have same position will not overlap. If they are overlapped, maybe their css cause it. Could you add module into position that cause modules overlap?

    ezziemac Friend


    Thank you for you effort in responding, but I do not understand. Where is the Top Block or Bottom Block or Middle Block? Nothing is named that in the module positions or the template.css.

    I also do not understand where I would put the code you wrote.


    himangi Friend


    Can you please PM me your site admin access? I will set it up for you..

    himangi Friend


    Can you please PM me ftp access, some file other than css and html needs modification to place navigation under Search, and on the right of the logo..

    Currently I have added a the code given to you earlier, below the logo and search area.. Please check if the position if fine with you. If it is, then to save space above Search, you can reduce logo height if you can..

    ezziemac Friend

    Thank you. I removed the code you kindly put in as the breadcrumb was not in either position I had asked about. I don’t want to create new space, I want to add empty space. The best place would be in the empty space above ‘Search’. I have tried to add a screenshot, but I am unable to. The attachment upload is not working right now.

    Would you need FTP access for that?

    himangi Friend

    You can create it yourself. Please follow the steps below to add a new position above search. And then you will have to style it as you need..

    Open ftp and go to plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks. Copy header.php and paste it into templates/ja_rave/blocks.
    Open header.php file and add <blockquote><?php if($this->countModules(‘yourposition’)) : ?>
    <div id=”ja-yourposition”>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”yourposition” />
    <?php endif; ?> </blockquote>above
    <blockquote><?php if($this->countModules(‘search’)) : ?>
    <div id=”ja-search”>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”search” />
    <?php endif; ?></blockquote>

    Save the file and check the position on frontend.
    Publish the breadcrumbs module in yourposition and add #ja-yourposition{styling} in templates/ja_rave/css/template.css

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