You can insert it in a similar way to adding Google Analytics.
Create a new folder if it does not already exist called templates>JA_Teline_IV>Page and in that folder copy the file default.php from plugins>system>jat3>jate>base-themes>default>page>default.php into your new page folder
Then just before the </head> tag you ca place your google code
[php]<html xmlns=”” xml:lang=”<?php echo $this->language; ?>” lang=”<?php echo $this->language; ?>”>
<?php //gen head base on theme info
$this->showBlock (‘head’);
$blocks = T3Common::node_children($this->getBlocksXML (‘head’), ‘block’);
foreach ($blocks as $block) :
$this->showBlock ($block);
<?php echo $this->showBlock (‘css’) ?>
**************Insert Your Code Here****************