Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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  • maldo Friend

    hello friends
    where is the file that i can translate the “1 voted” ‘word

    1. voted
    phong nam Friend

    Hi maldo,

    You can translate that text in languageen-GBen-GB.tpl_ja_hawkstore.ini file at line:


    blankito Friend

    Hi Leo,

    i changed “1 voted” and “you have no items in your shopping cart” in that exact the same file to german. But it just wouldnt work. It keeps being displayed in english.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you very much for all your efforts.

    best regards,


    phong nam Friend

    Hi Markus,

    Can you try my suggestion again ? Make sure that the .ini file belongs to English language folder /en-GB/ and has the 644 permission to save your update.

    * I tried several times on the Hawkstore demo site, I got success with this all times.

    blankito Friend

    Hello Leo,

    I have tried it several times. The permissions have been set correctly in the very first moment. In my FTP the folder structure is like that:

    ../languages/the ini file.. There is no folder en-GB! I have created that folder now and put all the inis and the index into that folder..

    But it wouldnt work again..

    I don’t know what to do..



    phong nam Friend

    Hi Markus,

    You can PM me the admin login info of the site. I will help to check and correct this issue for you.

    And you can tell me the german texts you want to translate to, I will also give a test on the texts.

    blankito Friend

    Hello Leo,

    it worked. I have found the solution. Thank you very much!


    phong nam Friend

    You are welcome !

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  phong nam 11 years ago.

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