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  • iabichino Friend

    Sorry, I would like to buy the subscription shown in the screenshot attached, and it includes "All Templates & JATC Extensions" I was wondering which ones are the "JATC Extensions"????

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Captura-de-pantalla-2017-03-23-a-las-18.32.53
    Anonymous Moderator


    JATC extensions refer to the complimentary extensions that are included as part of the full template packages.

    These extensions are NOT JATC extensions : JA K2 Filter, JA Amazon S3, JA Google Analytics, JA Social Locker, JA Google Chart, JA K2 Data Migration. The rest of extensions other than these are considered JATC extensions.

    iabichino Friend

    May I have the list or the link to the whole complimentary extensions included as part of the full template package?

    Anonymous Moderator


    Pls check the list in my attached file.

    seeksmarter Friend

    We bought a membership for the templates. As stated in your site, it should grant the download of JATC Extensions.

    According to the list in the post above (Lis-of-JATC-extensions.txt), JA System Social Feed Plugin for Joomla 2.5 & 3.x is part of the list, therefore being a JATC extension we should be able to download it.

    However, we’re unable to do so because the account is not allowed to!

    Furthermore, you should state on your site which extensions are JATC or JAEC. Not doing so, you’re misleading potential customers and getting some unsatisfied customers!

    Kind regards

    Anonymous Moderator

    We bought a membership for the templates. As stated in your site, it should grant the download of JATC Extensions.
    According to the list in the post above (Lis-of-JATC-extensions.txt), JA System Social Feed Plugin for Joomla 2.5 & 3.x is part of the list, therefore being a JATC extension we should be able to download it.
    However, we’re unable to do so because the account is not allowed to!
    Furthermore, you should state on your site which extensions are JATC or JAEC. Not doing so, you’re misleading potential customers and getting some unsatisfied customers!

    JATC extensions simply refer to the complimentary extensions used in the demo of templates, they come as part of the JATC templates packages . So any extension that is included in the template package can be called "JATC extension".

    As JATC member, you can download the templates / extensions that we provide within this section. Find out which template uses the extension you want, then go to the template download page to get it, e.g JA Wall has the JA Social Feed plugin : https://www.joomlart.com/downloads/joomla-templates/ja-wall .

    Here’s a site where you can use to check : http://update.joomlart.com/ (type in the extension name, then click [+] to look up which template has it.

    seeksmarter Friend

    hi again,

    If i can use the extension why i can’t access the forum for that extension?? I always receive the message "Oops, your account does not have permission to access this forum. Sign Up Now!"

    Anonymous Moderator

    mply refer to the complimentary extensions used in the demo of templates, they come as part of the JATC templates packages . So any extension that is included in the template package can be called "JATC extension".

    The extension you downloaded belongs to a template. Pls access the forum of that template to post question.
    Access to extension forum is for JAEC extension club members / JA Developer members only.

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