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  • luke2125 Friend


    Was wondering if anybody can help me out, I want to do a site that has a lot of aritcles, and the user will upload photos and videos to be seen. Now, I was looking over the templates JA Teline II, JA Avian, and found them pretty good. I liked the JA Avian for the picture gallery, however, it’s not strong enough in the articles department, plus I don’t see anything in regards to uploading videos by the users. Now, I see the JA Teline II, has a good article system in place, I see the video portion, but I don’t know, if the user has the ability to upload videos, and I don’t see a picture upload options like the JA Avian.

    So the question is which one should I go for, my heart tells me the JA Teline II and just add the JA Showcase component, and in regards to video, I’m still short there. Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks and God Bless…..

    Menalto Friend

    Videos = Seyret
    Gallery = RSGallery2
    Start to add the two things there on your site and set it up while thinking of which template to use.

    TomC Moderator


    The beauty of working with Joomla and Joomla Templates is that you can start with virtually ANY template and modify/customize from there. Further, you can actually use different templates as starting points for diffierent parts of your global site experience – i.e. use one template as your primary site, and another for some other aspect/function (i.e. blog, estore, social networking, etc.). The sky is the limit (for the most part).

    Now, as it seems you are interested in Teline II and/or Avian . . . and seeing as how a great many people seem to continue to have issues with Teline II – might I suggest giving the original Teline template another look. You can add whatever components you want to it to make it what you want.

    luke2125 Friend


    Thank folks for your opinions, really appreciated it….Yes, I will give the original Teline another look, but I must say Teline II looks so nice…..By the way, would you suggest adding the Community Builder to Joomla, I envision where users can upload their pics, this is where RSGallery 2 steps in, and also videos to be transfered to .flv(Seyret), but I’m not sure if I need the CB from Joomla installed. I feel that Joomla is somewhat behind when it comes to community builder stuff, just my opinion. Thanks again Menalto and tcraw for your comments and suggestions and God Bless….

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@luke2125 64821 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Thank folks for your opinions, really appreciated it….Yes, I will give the original Teline another look, but I must say Teline II looks so nice…..By the way, would you suggest adding the Community Builder to Joomla, I envision where users can upload their pics, this is where RSGallery 2 steps in, and also videos to be transfered to .flv(Seyret), but I’m not sure if I need the CB from Joomla installed. I feel that Joomla is somewhat behind when it comes to community builder stuff, just my opinion. Thanks again Menalto and tcraw for your comments and suggestions and God Bless….</blockquote>


    Not to repeat what Menalto and Tom have already suggested, what is missing in your first thread is what you want to do with your site — photos and videos will be useless if you are not sure exactly what you want to accomplish, apart from allowing people to upload photos and articles.

    If you ever saw, it must be one of the ugliest site you will ever see in the internet. But, guess what, it is one of the top 10 most visited internet site in the US, and in many cities outside of the US, where it has established a focused city site. No videos, no photos in the front page — just list of links that are not even arranged nicely

    You mentioned that you like the JA Teline II, and I will not argue with you on that. I left Joomlart last February 2008 because I do not have much interest in the other templates they created, except the original Teline that Tom cited. However,, when Joomlart created JA Teline II, which is what I have been looking for since the first day I became a member, I came back (my own regular membership would not expire until 3 August.

    That is how much I like JA Teline II — it is worth growing with.

    What Tom mentioned about the problems with JA Teline II is also true. But, guess what? It is essentially self-inflicted.

    Imagine that you got infatuated with what Einstein has done and want to become like him one day. Imagine you are still in kindergarten, barely able to even remember your alphabet or your numbers, but you are in a hurry to become the next Einstein.

    You demanded that your Mom takes you to the library so that you could read the books of Einstein. If you are near a prestigious university, one of the books you might encounter would be the work of Einstein on “Brownian Motion” — it won him the Nobel Prize for that.

    Your Mom being indulgent did not warn you that first you have to learn your ABC and your numbers, then later on your arithmetic, and algebra, and later on in high school calculus, and physics, etc., etc.

    In other words, you will be overwhelmed by his book on “Brownian Motion”.

    I used the extreme here because many like JA Teline II so they rush into it. Then, many tell them that Joomla 1.5x is the Joomla of the future, so they go with that also. Well, many beginners are not ready to use Joomla 1.5x, combined with some problems of the JA Teline II, when the two put together Joomla 1.5x-JA Teline II is used, you have the disaster that you will read in the forum of JA Teline II. Many are clueless for example that some of the problems they encounter is when you do not know how to use Joomla 1.5x properly.

    Not too many ever asked themselves: Am I prepared to tackle Joomla 1.5x-JA Teline II?

    The fact is, many are not. I have installed many Joomla 1.0x and Joomla 1.5x myself, but I do not think I am that conversant with Joomla 1.5x.

    I am more confident with Joomla 1.0.x, so I decided to use Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II. because I know that Joomla 1.0x is a more stable as a foundation because it has been worked on for a number of years.

    Guess what? I know I want the JA Teline II so I was determined to make it work. Well, actually, I can literally install any Joomla 1.0x-Joomlart template QuickStart kit even if half asleep because I have done it so many times.

    And using e JA Teline II is just another template as far as QuickStart installation is concerned. Just understand that it is many times more complex than any other Joomlart templates — this is what many new users fail to consider. It will work, if you do your reading, and understand them before you plunge on.

    Today for example, I was able to persuade someone to use Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II, and it worked — because the installation of any Joomla1.0x is almost idiot proof. So the person got elated shared his site. Indeed it installed properly.

    Then to my horror, he started while I was viewing the site, I can see that he started changing the Section names in the Magazine menu already, which I know was not being done properly, because I can see that he did not do the first step — change the names in the Section manager first. Long story, but what was quite a nice Demo is now all messed up

    There are double names in the Magazine menu, the categories are not in the correct section, and the new articles created are not in the proper categories, etc. — so far.

    The problem is mainly Joomlart. There are no Tutorial yet that has been written for the scenario as I outlined above. However, the new user has to take the blame.

    Do not attempt to cook a Filet Mignon with potatoes on the side, if you do not even know how to light a burner. You might burn your house.

    As far as I am concerned there is no impediment to making any of the templates if you put your mind to it. But, you have to do your work, read before you attempt something. Take copious notes. I do, especially my installations — even if I have done it perhaps more than a hundred times already.

    I always write a schematic outline of what I install, record when I downloaded it, unpacked, and uploaded it. I countercheck if all were uploaded. What version of Joomla, and the version of the Joomlart template. I even write down the details of what I observe during the various steps during the installation — what new files are created, how many tables in the databases.

    When something goes wrong, I review my notes. And, if everything goes well, after that, I make a master copy of the procedure and the observations.

    When I make another installation, I make a copy of the master copy, change some specifics here and there, but I have that in front of me, to ensure that everything is as expected. Doing this, I have not botched any installation of the same kind — since I learned by trial and error during my first time here at Joomlart.

    Some tried to help sincerely, but when people tell you some nebulous suggestions, they might have as well not told you anything — you both wasted your time.

    So, you can use Teline II, if you want it and will do what is needed to make it work. And, if you do, start with Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II — read read read, and be sure you understand what you read, before you start anything.

    But, above all — you have to be more clear about what you want to do with your page. In theory, any template will do, if you have good content.


    While I had my own problems with the Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II, it is nowhere near the problems encountered by the others. Quite often, I was able to solve some of them. The others I learned by asking questions, learning from others, and just keep on trying.

    luke2125 Friend

    Hi Cornelio,

    Thanks for the good points, really appreciated it. Indeed, one must be patient with the Templates and don’t rush things. Well, I’m looking to start a type of vacation site, where users can read articles, upload photos and their videos from their experiences. Right now, I just don’t see a good Traveling / Vaction Template from Joomlart, and this is why I narrow my choices to JA Telin II and JA Avian II. The plus of Avian II, is that it already comes to the RSGallery 2 installed, but no video(Seyret), and I would have to install the JA News component, in order to get a handle on the content.

    From JA Teline II, it already comes with the JA News component, but no RSGallery and no Video Component. I really don’t know how the JA News component would work with JA Avian II…….Also, do you think I would need the CB from Joomla…….?

    I really don’t understand why doesn’t JoomlArt, produced something like a community builder template, or a multi-component that offers pictures upload / video together. I know it sounds crazy, but one never knows…… Thanks and God Bless…

    luke2125 Friend


    I saw craig-list, and you are correct, there’s no organization there, and frames, but one thing it has, is links………


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@luke2125 64837 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I saw craig-list, and you are correct, there’s no organization there, and frames, but one thing it has, is links………


    This is the easy part, so I will answer it first. The site is deceptively simple. If the ones who developed craigslist would want to get rich — they could sell it most likely for several billion dollars. But, the owners, particularly Craig, are remnants of the idealist people in our society. Their is not so much to get rich but to be of service to people — that is its main goal. Less than a dozen people run the whole thing, and their sites are all over the world. A senior guy (well he is still very young actually) left Yahoo to become an employee of Craigslist recently.

    The owners of Ebay wanted to buy craigslist in fact, the only reason why they succeeded to buy a part of Craigslist is that someone among the early employees of craigslist left, and instead of “giving back to the community” his shares, (s)he sold it to Ebay. The purpose of Ebay was to learn why craigslist was so successful — although it is obvious: don’t be greedy, serve the people — so that they can create their own craigslist killer. They tried:

    much nicer presentation and all; but they have not have succeeded so far, so they sued craigslist, when it tried to protect itself (part of the clause of agreement).

    Anyway, I presented this it is one of the best examples where content and purpose trumps the whistles and bells.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi Luke,

    There is something that many customers here — even a few developers who should know better — do not fully grasp. JA Teline II is the only magazine format template of Joomlart, not even the original Teline is a magazine format.

    All templates have the same basic components

    Section A
    =>Category 1
    =>Category 2

    Section B
    =>Category 1
    =>Category 2

    All other Joomlart templates
    Articles are placed in categories. When you click on the article, you get the full article. In the JA News, which is found in almost all templates of Joomlart, the Section title is not clickable, if you happen to create a link for the contents of each of the Section or Category, what you get is just a boring listing of links

    JA Teline II
    Articles are placed in categories. When you click on the article, you get the full article, but on top of this, it is placed in the correct category and also the Section.

    If you click on a Section name either through the Magazine links (front end) or the JA News module, you will be transported into another Intro page, for the Section — with the articles presented with images and contents.

    In other words, you can do this:

    => Paris
    => Normandy

    => Beijing
    => Shanghai

    Bed & Breakfast
    => London
    => New York

    You can literally have as many as you want, and each of the bold face (Section) will have their own Section page, with layout articles , images, etc.

    In contrast, if you do that with any Joomlart template, as is, what you get for each bold (Section) would be boring links of the articles, or the categories.

    The best way to understand this is to try this with your chosen template.

    <em>@luke2125 64836 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio,

    Thanks for the good points, really appreciated it. Indeed, one must be patient with the Templates and don’t rush things. Well, I’m looking to start a type of vacation site, where users can read articles, upload photos and their videos from their experiences. Right now, I just don’t see a good Traveling / Vaction Template from Joomlart, and this is why I narrow my choices to JA Telin II and JA Avian II. The plus of Avian II, is that it already comes to the RSGallery 2 installed, but no video(Seyret), and I would have to install the JA News component, in order to get a handle on the content.

    <em>@luke2125 64836 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    From JA Teline II, it already comes with the JA News component, but no RSGallery and no Video Component. I really don’t know how the JA News component would work with JA Avian II…….Also, do you think I would need the CB from Joomla…….?

    It can be done, and one customer has shown it in his website, but it is far easier to install the said modules to JA Teline II that installing the magazine features of JA Teline II. It can be done, if you are Menalto:), but I doubt that you can do that at this stage.

    There are separate complete extensions for RSGallery that you can download through the Joomla extensions site. However, if I were you, I would not attempt to load the JA Teline II with other features now, until you have mastered it. Other wise you will not know what would be causing the problem, if something goes wrong. But, if you must consider writing to Menalto and see if he can install them for you, for a fee.

    There are better ways of presenting images unique and specific to a page though, but that is too complex right now to go into. For the moment, there are features that you can activate in the Joomla to show images. Again, learn your template first before you fill it with whistles and bells.

    Always remember the Craigslist analogy. More than likely, you will never be able to compete with Flickr or UTube, when presenting images and videos. It will be more your articles that would make your site apart.

    So, build the frame of your house first — before you buy your sofa, or refrigerators. The whole thing may come tumbling down if they are built with popsicle sticks.

    <em>@luke2125 64836 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I really don’t understand why doesn’t JoomlArt, produced something like a community builder template, or a multi-component that offers pictures upload / video together. I know it sounds crazy, but one never knows…… Thanks and God Bless…</blockquote>

    Simple. CB has a software that is practically free (you have to buy the manual to get the latest version).

    Joomlart is in the business of selling templates — not many things free.

    So, why waste time creating one that competes with something free? I am not sure if you know this, you can add CB as component and module — with all the plugins you want.


    luke2125 Friend

    Hi Cornelio,

    Thanks for taking the time and explaining all those details, really appreciated it. I’ve decided to go with JA Teline II, I have lots of articles I would be posting. One quick question though, would it matter, if I installed the RSGallery and Seyer components now, or should I wait for the template to be installed? Thanks and God Bless…..

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@luke2125 64890 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio,

    Thanks for taking the time and explaining all those details, really appreciated it. I’ve decided to go with JA Teline II, I have lots of articles I would be posting. One quick question though, would it matter, if I installed the RSGallery and Seyer components now, or should I wait for the template to be installed? Thanks and God Bless…..</blockquote>

    Hi Luke,

    Don’t add any other thing right now. Just make sure you can get an exact replica of the Demo page. Use the Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II QuickStart

    =>Download the zip file (JA Teline II v1.2 for Joomla
    =>Unpack JA Teline II v1.2 for Joomla => JA Teline II v1a 1.0.x Folder (there are three main directories)
    => => Open Quickstart folder in the JA Teline II v1a 1.0.x Folder
    => => => (inside) => unpack
    => => => =>ja_teline_ii_1.0kstart_v1.2 => This is a complete Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II

    Upload the entire ja_teline_ii_1.0kstart_v1.2 using FTP
    After complete upload, rename:

    ja_teline_ii_1.0kstart_v1.2 using FTP => jte10x00

    for example
    jte10x00 => this is code for Joomlart Teline and the Joomla used is 1.0x, plus this is your trial installation (00)

    Do you know how to upload via FTP?
    Which company is your webhosting service?
    Do you have a dedicated server or are you in a shared server?
    Do you know how to create database in a shared server environment already?

    I have a posting here for the Installation of Joomla 1.0x-JA Teline II QuickStart Kit

    Actually, it is very easy. Provided you have a correct database, username and password, after uploading and renaming as indicated above, click

    to start the installation.

    where => your site URL

    Then just follow what is called Browser-based installlation, by doing as instructed by your browser.

    Copy all information you see, and the various steps. Observe.


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