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  • swhel Friend

    I thougt i pay for memberchip to geth supoort why dont i hawe it. I asked a question and need help. Please i heard you was fast….
    Ok thanks now i gath some action on my problem nice..

    swhel Friend

    I most say that to be a sight you pay för the suport is realy nothing. i feel like you dont even try to help. To sad….

    ErikThorsen Friend

    I thought you paid for a template?? Maybe I am mistaken.

    I am not saying you are not entitled to get any support but you pay a ridiculous low sum of money for the freshest and best templates around. I assume that they are a bit too advanced for you or you are a joomla beginner. I too find them hard to “figure out” sometimes but read around in the forum and check out the joomla.org for more information about Joomla in general and I am sure you will find a lot of solutions yourself. Mind you, I haven’t seen your requests other than this where you ask for help but not specified here what you are looking for help with.

    Anyway, just wanted to say that I think that sometimes you get what you pay for even though I do agree to a point, support can be somewhat poor around here but there is always people trying their best to help out.

    swhel Friend

    Thanks fore a answer i will start with, buth dont agree with you i think that if you pay fore a solution where suport is 1 of the things you shoud hawe it. If you loke the question above this in the forum you see and if you loke again you see i solved 2 things mi self before. And why is it difrent if you new ore noth? isnt it more importent to fokus on the new people then. Whel dont write to be a ase youst want the people of the sight to try to suport bether when they take many for it. maye im wrong…………….

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  swhel 17 years, 1 month ago.

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