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  • cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 75244 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think the time has come for JA themselves to respond.

    They quote thousands of ‘satisfied’ clients, yet the mood on the forum is anything but.</blockquote>

    Wanna bet?:)

    questbg Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 75255 wrote:</em><blockquote>Wanna bet?:)</blockquote>

    Absolutely not! That’s not a sure-bet at all!!

    Suffice to say, all the problems that have been ignored by JA staff in my original post, still have had no reply. Still have not been fixed.

    Wish I’d have known the level of ‘support’ before parting with my money! In fact, had the template forums been open to the public, I would have checked out all the problems in the Teline II board that remained unanswered and unsolved and chosen a different template club!

    Ah well, such is life :((

    Hung Dinh Friend

    questbg;75171Hi Everyone

    OK. I’m tired. I worked two x 48 hour shifts this week in order to get my test Joomla site to a ‘live’ Joomla site (my first ever), so maybe I’m a bit grumpy and I’m sick of drinking strong coffee just to stay awake, however, I have to release my feelings now.

    I am totally 100% pissed off with the lack of official support here on the the forum. >:(

    I know many people are of the same opinion, and no matter how much we all complain, or threads are locked, nothing changes, “great templates, lousy support”, as I hear in just about every single sentence when anyone discusses JoomlArt (not only here, elsewhere too).

    I’ve just been looking back at some of my ‘Subscribed’ threads and have come to the conclusion that I am being ignored intentionally by JA Staff for some reason. For example:

    5,000 404 errors in 3 days due to problem with template:

    No replies from JA. Only 1 user, lcristian, offered help.

    404 errors during user registration:

    No replies from JA (despite my e-mail to 3 members of staff). My Hosting company fixed it for me.

    Placing custom code on banners:

    No replies from JA. Only 1 user, bossep, offered help. Still no solution.

    Serious Bug with System Pagebreak:

    No replies from JA, even after two weeks. Still no solution.

    Serious problem with missing images in section/categories:

    No replies from JA. Replies from other users having same problem. Fixed it myself after one week.

    Problem setting up ‘contact’ form:

    No replies from JA. Fixed it with the help of user Cornelio.

    Finally, my latest post.
    All registered users are not appearing in user list:

    No replies from JA, but even worse this time, I know I am now losing subscribers and money.

    I spend most of my time on this board trying to help other users to the best of my ability (see my credits and thanks) but I’m now beginning to wonder, why the hell should I? Very few people try to help me (apologies to Cornelio, Menalto, Bossep, Ana, lcrisitan, etc., you all know who you are and sorry to those missed off my list!!).

    I expected that having paid for a one year membership, JA would have at least the courtesy to respond to my problems, especially as they are fully aware, from personal e-mails, that my first ever Joomla site went live this week.

    But what the hell? I suppose if you can get more money from new members, why bother supporting existing members who’s money has already been banked?

    May make a fast buck, but not a good long-term company/financial policy in my book.

    Attracting new clients is important, but keeping existing clients is far more important.

    Some of these issues may not be JA issues, maybe Joomla, maybe extensions, but if they just told me that, I’d be OK.

    Anyone else have the feeling they are being ignored here? >:(

    Care to comment before this ‘negative’ thread is locked?

    Hi questbg,
    Do you see that all of your problem are Joomla problem, not JA templates issues. We try to help as much as possible with the non-templates issues but it does not mean that it is our responsibility to fix your own Joomla problems

    Hung Dinh Friend

    I have got Menalto, Hainn, nguoiabcd to look at your list. But we really feel uncomfortable with your attitude

    questbg Friend

    Hello Hung Dinh

    Many thanks for your personal response here, I appreciate you taking the time.

    <em>@Hung Dinh 75344 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi questbg,
    Do you see that all of your problem are Joomla problem, not JA templates issues.

    I believe that:
    5,000 404 errors in 3 days due to problem with template:

    Is certainly a template issue, I believe that ‘zoomincur’ is a JA highslide related problem?

    <em>@Hung Dinh 75345 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have get Menalto, Hainn, nguoiabcd to look at your list. But we really feel uncomfortable with your attitude</blockquote>

    Many thanks, I would be grateful for any assistance to the still outstanding issues.

    My attitude unfortunately has been caused by having so many unanswered questions in the week my site went live.

    I don’t expect JA staff to fix all my ‘Joomla’ issues, but as a newcomer to Joomla, I’m not entirely sure in every case if it is the template, or Joomla. Even if JA staff replied to my thread with ‘That’s a Joomla Issue’, then I would go and ask for a solution on the Joomla forum!

    I would be quite happy with that situation, it’s the total lack of response which angers me.

    Thanks once again for your input and I hope your Moderators can help me with the few remaining problems I have.

    Kind Regards

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 75346 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I don’t expect JA staff to fix all my ‘Joomla’ issues, but as a newcomer to Joomla, I’m not entirely sure in every case if it is the template, or Joomla. Even if JA staff replied to my thread with ‘That’s a Joomla Issue’, then I would go and ask for a solution on the Joomla forum!

    I would be quite happy with that situation, it’s the total lack of response which angers me.

    I agree with this … I have in fact even created a separated thread, based from my findings that the Joomla 1.5.x alone is causing many of the “problem threads” posted in the Teline II Forum.

    If only a Joomlart staff pointed this out, and that the question must be posted in the Joomla forum instead, then the frustration of members may have been more muted.


    mj1256 Friend

    <blockquote>I don’t expect JA staff to fix all my ‘Joomla’ issues, but as a newcomer to Joomla, I’m not entirely sure in every case if it is the template, or Joomla. Even if JA staff replied to my thread with ‘That’s a Joomla Issue’, then I would go and ask for a solution on the Joomla forum!</blockquote>

    I posted this issue in another thread. The customers do not know what the difference is between joomla, a template and the quickstart with the template. They do not know where joomla ends and the template begins, thus, JA becomes responsible for all of the joomla problems.

    Maybe its time for moderators to take control of this and create a separate forum section for joomla issues,(there already is one) and then move the threads that are joomla issue to the joomla threads. They do not have to support the joomla threads either. It would free up their time for what they are responsible for, the templates, and educate the customers as to the line between joomla and the template..

    questbg Friend

    I’m with you two cornelio and mj1256 … had some of my ‘non-template’ threads been moved to a ‘Joomla Issues’ section of the forum, then I would not have expected instant fixes from JA staff, which of course leads to less frustration and anger on the part of the user (and ‘attitude’ issues!).

    As previously stated, a lot of users just do not know where the template ends and joomla begins!!

    Perhaps JA staff could consider moving ‘non-template’ issues to another section of the board?


    mj1256 Friend

    at one point I became quite frustrated with the members complaining about questions not being answered, so I posted back
    this is a joomla issue, click here for joomla forum
    this is a joomla issue, read the beginners guide.

    people were appalled that I did that, but it proved my point that JA was being asked to perform customer servcie for joomla itself.

    when I install a component, mod, or plugin, I go the the forum associated with the component, mod, or plugin, and they do not help me with anything but those components, mods, or plugins. Nor would I ask for help with anything else on those forums.

    also, I don’t know of a joomla component, mod, template, or plugin provder that has rave reviews of customer support, probably for this reason.

    cgc0202 Friend

    It is a crapshoot to get anything answered in the Joomla forum, and those of many open source extensions; but then again, Joomla and many of the open source endeavors are volunteer initiatives. You cannot demand help.

    For profit companies must be evaluated differently. They are expected to support their product.

    These for-profit companies may not be expected to support Joomla issues. But, there is the issue that without Joomla, there will be no for profit companies that cater to the needs associated with Joomla. In my own concept of “wealth being a social phenomenon” — it becomes part of the social responsibility of these 3rd party companies who depend on Joomla scripts to support Joomla — perhaps set aside some of their profits to support Joomla. And, since Joomla depends on other open source endeavors, they should be similarly supported.

    To go back to the issue here, since Joomla may not be able to provide the support, won’t there be a social responsibility for profit companies to help solve this? If not to the general public, at least to their customers?

    To use a real life example, automobile companies buy products like tires from other companies. When something goes bad with this “third party” products — the automobile company is responsible for replacing the defective product. This legal responsibility has been upheld by the US Judiciary system, when the automobile industry was obligated to replace all Michelin tires that turned out to be defective.

    All accessories that become part of your product becomes your responsibility. Another example, any of the defects found in the highly popular iPhone are blamed on Apple, and has tarnished the image of Apple — not its suppliers.

    In this sense, if Joomlart knows that the very backbone to which it piggybacks its product is defective, it cannot state: “Don’t look at me. I did not create that.” It has by transference, a responsibility for using a defective product. At the very least, it must warn its customers, this product will not work because Joomla is fatally flawed. But. a much better response would have been. OK, since I used Joomla as the backbone of my template product, I will help you deal with the problem. The latter, unless there is a change of heart, is not the Joomlart motto.

    The epitome of Good Service

    A better example, from my experience, would be the Apple Store. They seem to lose money with their One-on-one support at $99/per year, and one hour per week for this one on one tutorial, it costs less than $2 per session. I have seen old people, with their notes, ready to ask the questions they might not have understood from their own explorations of the Mac or any Apple products.

    The tutors and staff are trained to help people, even the most dumb questions. although they do not make you feel that way. If they know the answer, they will provide the answer, even if it is not a product of Apple. I know this from personal experience.

    The Apple Store though wins in the end. It is not unusual to see many people leave the store with a purchase. No wonder Apple is three times the size of Dell Computer, even if Dell has a larger volume sales than Apple. From the projections, Apple will soon eclipse Microsoft, in terms of its cash reserves.

    Good services make people good, make them loyal and become lifetime brand consumers.


    I cannot ascertain this, but everyone I talked to so far that RocketTheme is doing this, or providing good technical support and has a vast library (database), so that members renew not for the templates (as they have chosen one already) but for the good service and library. When I I find a good template of RocketTheme, I will be able to check this information personally.

    I mention the above two examples, not to advertise them, but with great hope that if Joomlart follows the same business plan, they may gain more loyal following.

    jimmer Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 75344 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi questbg,
    Do you see that all of your problem are Joomla problem, not JA templates issues. We try to help as much as possible with the non-templates issues but it does not mean that it is our responsibility to fix your own Joomla problems</blockquote>

    Well, I just came across this and guessing you have it solved. If I had that many problems I would have started with a new template as it would have been probably faster to start over than fix all the bugs.

    Hung Dinh has been more than a help to me and many of the Moderators etc. I think the key is to try and stay positive and a good attitude that goes a long ways.


    Michael Casha Friend

    Looks like this is solved, but if it’s not feel free to email me directly.

    gazoline Friend

    Thanks for your help!

    ShannonN Friend

    No point emailing you directly you don’t respond.

    No point emailing you directly you don’t respond.

    MiCCAS;89633Looks like this is solved, but if it’s not feel free to email me directly.

    No point emailing you directly you don’t respond.

    Michael Casha Friend

    ShannonN;89747No point emailing you directly you don’t respond.

    No point emailing you directly you don’t respond.

    No point emailing you directly you don’t respond.

    Hi ShannonN,

    Firstly, I have merged your triple post.

    Secondly, as far as I am aware I have continually replied to all emails. Having a look in the system, there are no emails that were from you, so I have to put this down to a situation of you going by what someone else has said or some mis-communication.

    Thirdly, if anyone HAS sent me an email that I have NOT responded to, please send it again and PM me about it. There’s a chance that it may have been caught in the spam filter that we have setup.

    Thank you for your concern, ShannonN, have a great day.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)

This topic contains 32 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Casha 15 years, 11 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum