Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)
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  • hhcbar Friend

    I tried all solutions in forum but no result, background overlies modules. I changed transition for slideshow and itis in front, but user2 modules are in back of background image?

    All was ok, but added some more languages and changed all modules to Latvian and now background overlies modules?

    Can you help?

    A lttle bit conffucing template, why suck product are sold, so many bugs 🙁

    1. Capture
    hhcbar Friend

    I tried publish other modules in user 1 and they are behind background. Please need fix:((

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello hhcbar,

    I checked our demo and didn’t find any problem as you mentioned. Can you PM me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose it.

    BTW, please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.


    hhcbar Friend

    Stork11, thanks for help, i sent you personal message, with login and pasword.

    inoy Friend

    Help! Prompt what to do? I have too a problem on a site, with the User2 module. Link to a site http://djinoy.com/

    hhcbar Friend

    Any help please?!

    inoy Friend

    Hello, hhcbar.You solved a problem, overlapping by a user2 module background?

    Stork11 Friend


    I add “z-index: 9;” to “#ja-topsl .ja-box-right” line in “/templates/ja_mixmaz/css/template.css” file (line 1213) to solve problem. Please check and confirm the same.


    hhcbar Friend

    Thanks! it now works just fine!

    oboect Friend

    <em>@Stork11 362475 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I add “z-index: 9;” to “#ja-topsl .ja-box-right” line in “/templates/ja_mixmaz/css/template.css” file (line 1213) to solve problem. Please check and confirm the same.


    Hello, I have similar problem here, my background image overlays the top menu and in some cases the whole heading of the site.

    What can I do?

    Thank you for your time.


    Stork11 Friend

    Hello oboect,

    I visited your site and didn’t face the problem. Have you already resolved it?


    oboect Friend

    Hello Stork11,

    Unfortuanetly, I have not solved it. Below you can see the screen grabs:

    This is the homepage and you can see that everything s all right:

    And here is the about us page where I miss the top menu and the language switcher:

    Can you not see how it overlays in your computer?

    I have tested it on a Mac and a PC with several browser and keep overlaying.

    Thank you very much.


    P.S.: Sorry for the late reply but I have been away a few days.

    1. right
    2. wrong
    hhcbar Friend

    Hi oboect, how you did your page backgroud? I tried different ways but it look bad. Could you please help?

    oboect Friend

    Hello hhcbar,

    I replaced the one on the background, I think the trick is to make a gradient that disappears on top and both sides. You ca see the original here. I have just realised that it might be too big in terms of file size but something similar should be ok.

    If you have a link to your site I would a have a look and try to help more if I can.

    Hope this help.

    1. main-bg
    hhcbar Friend

    hi oboect, site link is hhc.lv.

    ye these pictures are too big 🙁

    i wuld like to make this picture for background but i canot manage. If you could help it would be wonderful. Picture can be black like yours.
    Here is dropbox link (i could not upload it here) https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dk4xbdx32co97p/IMG_3902.jpg

    P.S or may be you can send me photoshop file with layers and will understand how it is made?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

This topic contains 19 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  oboect 11 years, 9 months ago.

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