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  • tempusserbia Friend

    Yesterday, when I was checking downloads page, I’ve found interesting statement, which by my opinion, is concerned and affects all JA members. Look image bellow:


    and second one:


    So, the question is: Why JA is publishing beta releases of templates?

    All templates, which are published in past few months have those extensions, which are in beta phase (not fully tested, not stable…). Conclusion is clear, if you have implemented them in template then template becomes BETA and you are giving that beta tested templates to us customers.

    More then unprofessional and serious problem made by JA. Why are you selling us unfinished products?

    According to this, it is not a wonder why there are so manny bugs and customers complains.

    Shame on you JA.

    anisjolly Friend

    hi tempuusserbia

    where’s the image???

    Menalto Friend

    The link seems to be correct, since its going to the new extensions,which is released in beta, but also as Hung stated is that the templates is in beta for a few days before the officially stable release?? If i remember correct….

    At this point, and i am strongly against public beta releases of templates, this should be avoided and i cant see at any point why it is needed either. This is just a matter of the work flow they have.

    For the extension part: Hmmmmmmm, no beta here either, same reasons as above.

    But at the end, there will be bugs when people start to do this and that without knowing what they are doing:)

    Hung Dinh Friend

    tempusserbia;64282Yesterday, when I was checking downloads page, I’ve found interesting statement, which by my opinion, is concerned and affects all JA members. .

    I am quite curious that tempusserbia seem to be not happy with the beta release of the template.
    Have you read my statement?
    <blockquote>BETA USAGE Q &A
    Q: I am a paid customer and I should be able to use the stable templates. Why do I have to use the Beta version?
    A: You can choose to download and try the Beta or not. However, we are appreciated if you can use and report any problem to the forum so that we can update and provide fixes to the official releases.

    Q: What if I download the Beta and customize everything then JA release the updated package?
    A: We are happy if you download and try this package to see if it really suit your tastes. Once we release the official package, we will let you know what files we have changes so that you do not have to apply your customization all over again.</blockquote>

    We are not selling unfinished products. Why don’t you wait to download the stable ones? Whenever there is beta, just forget it.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Also, the beta in the images are not for the templates. They are for the up coming extensions.

    tempusserbia Friend

    I am satisfied with templates, few problems here and there nothing big, as usual.

    Question here is: Why are you implementing beta releases of extensions in templates? In this way you are making them to be ALWAYS in beta phase. Even when you published official package (which must be final), if it containts beta extensions, then it is NOT FINAL and can not be announced as final release.

    IN hope that you understand what I am trying to pint out here.

    bigrk Friend

    I think that over time people forget about the template beta release schedule. In the long run there will be a lot of problems caused by this practice especially when the templates are not being released as per that schedule. This month the 1st release will not be available until after the beta release portion should have already been over. It just becomes more confusing every day trying to figure out what JA is doing or what their schedule will be for the template release. Consistency goes a long way so if you make a schedule and then refer to it then FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE!! Geeeez!

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@bigrk 64568 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think that over time people forget about the template beta release schedule. In the long run there will be a lot of problems caused by this practice especially when the templates are not being released as per that schedule. This month the 1st release will not be available until after the beta release portion should have already been over. It just becomes more confusing every day trying to figure out what JA is doing or what their schedule will be for the template release. Consistency goes a long way so if you make a schedule and then refer to it then FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE!! Geeeez!</blockquote>

    But even if they follow schedule, they are not doing a thing to update existing templates to new versions, and this funny thing with beta extensions. What’s the point to release final version of template with beta release of extension?! I simply do not understand that.

    Regarding above, they are also not doing a thing to make old templates to work with new extensions.

    New templates are not working correctly with new extensions (look forum threads, half of posts are about JA_Highslide, tabs, newsflash….), the old templates, either, are not working with new extensions. What’s the point here? Why to publishing them and make more problems?

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 64309 wrote:</em><blockquote>Also, the beta in the images are not for the templates. They are for the up coming extensions.</blockquote>

    As you know Hung, this extensions are already implemented in some templates. They are not “up coming”, but existing ones.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tempusserbia 64282 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    So, the question is: Why JA is publishing beta releases of templates?

    Ummm, could be because members like you continue to demand a two-templates-a-month schedule . . . which allows the development team only so much time to design, code and program each template.

    Oh right . . . you “paid for” a two-template a month schedule.

    Well, seems to me that I would much rather have a one QUALITY and STABLE template release a month rather than two unstable, bug-laden beta releases a month.

    bigrk Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 64799 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ummm, could be because members like you continue to demand a two-templates-a-month schedule . . . which allows the development team only so much time to design, code and program each template.

    Oh right . . . you “paid for” a two-template a month schedule.

    Well, seems to me that I would much rather have a one QUALITY and STABLE template release a month rather than two unstable, bug-laden beta releases a month.</blockquote>

    The quality would not change if they went to one template a month. JA would just focus on another part of their busines or take more time off. They have plenty of members on their development team. It just comes down to managing their time better.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 64852 wrote:</em><blockquote>The quality would not change if they went to one template a month. JA would just focus on another part of their busines or take more time off. </blockquote>
    You may be correct, but you don’t know for certain either.

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 64799 wrote:</em><blockquote>Ummm, could be because members like you continue to demand a two-templates-a-month schedule . . . which allows the development team only so much time to design, code and program each template.

    Oh right . . . you “paid for” a two-template a month schedule.

    Well, seems to me that I would much rather have a one QUALITY and STABLE template release a month rather than two unstable, bug-laden beta releases a month.</blockquote>

    JA was clear when I and others purchased our membership: 2 templates per month. And all of us paid for 2 templates per month. Why, after all, we should give half of our money to JA now? How can you be sure, that things will be better with 1 template per month?

    Tell me something, why JA are not employing more developers to full fill their promises, instead of as you admit “unstable, bug-laden beta releases” ?

    bigrk Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 64874 wrote:</em><blockquote>You may be correct, but you don’t know for certain either.</blockquote>

    Actually I know that it was just the same back before JA started two templates a month from some of the original members. Sadly most all of them have left.

    tempusserbia Friend

    And after countdown timer was released on frontpage, everybody forgot that there was delay of 3-9 days !!!

    And just in time when they have to publish final version of Labra, new template schedule will come, and again: delay.

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