At the moment I use vivvo and drupal on my sites.
A friend of me told me about joomla a few months ago, so I take up the study to migrate to joomla because (the nice templates). I came across Joomlart and I was very happy to see the Teline template. So like many people on the internet I go to Google to find a Teline script. It works well on my pc BUT not on my hosting. I get allot of crap about errors 500 etc etc. So maybe I think the files I downloaded from the net was corrupted. I came back to Joomlart and registered for a clean template so I can use by direct on my site, (paid even 70 Euros and not 70 dollar – my mistake) but not to worry I give it to Joomlart. Now I see allot of bad costumers over here. So I have given it up with Joomlart and I am going to use another script and template.
From time to time I will come back like today, and what did I see. That the Teline is updated to 11/11/2010
People from Joomlart!
Make your templates in order so that not nerds like me can use it, so that we can work on our site and not on crap templates.
And don’t ask me about what error or bug(s) because it is your job when you sell a product that it’s working. We don’t have to pay money or in time lost for your mistakes.
Rouzee Gino