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  • serega21 Friend

    hi there,

    i finally set up ja travel template. and now i face a problem.

    i use a specified width for the template, and when i try to change the profile to another color, it works fine on joomla pages, but pages that use jReviews plugin do not expand to specified width – instead they stay the same width as before.

    what can be done

    take a look at the site

    homepage – http://tirereviewer.com

    sample jreviews page with unchanged width – http://tirereviewer.com/tires/general-altimax-hp

    cyprusmedya Friend

    which browser are you using? i looked at your site with google chrome and both pages index and item page were at same width

    serega21 Friend

    hi there,

    i finally set up ja travel template. and now i face a problem.

    i use a specified width for the template, and when i try to change the profile to another color, it works fine on joomla pages, but pages that use jReviews plugin do not expand to specified width – instead they stay the same width as before.

    problem seems to persist only in IE7 and IE8.

    what can be done?

    take a look at the site

    homepage – http://tirereviewer.com

    sample jreviews page with unchanged width – http://tirereviewer.com/tires/general-altimax-hp

    cyprusmedya Friend

    Hello Serega you don’t need to create multiple posts, simply reply this post okay? i merged your two threads to prevent confusion. let me to have a look at your site and will tell you how to solve it.

    serega21 Friend


    thanks for the reply. i did not create 2 threads, its just the forum was lagging, so i tried multiple times to post my question. i guess it double posted it.

    yes, the problem is only visible in IE. and though we all hope that nobody uses IE anymore, it is still something i d like to get fixed.

    thx for your help (or at least an attempt) 🙂

    cyprusmedya Friend

    please give me your back-end login details so i can check the template settings please?

    serega21 Friend

    how do i give u my admin info? (dont see any private message option)

    i tried every possible variation – it does not matter. if you take a look at the site, you see that specified width with colored theme works fine in IE only on pages that do not use other extentions. so basic joomla pages like joomla articles work fine, but when you try jreviews listing, or kunena forum page – thats where specified width is not working.

    i think its a compatibility issue on your side. i would love some more input into this issue from other mods as well – its a serious problem that needs to be fixed asap.


    cyprusmedya Friend

    we will check it okay, simply click on my user name and a menu will be opened, click on to private message to give me your back-end details.

    serega21 Friend

    sent it

    please confirm u got it

    cyprusmedya Friend

    okay got it, checking now.

    cyprusmedya Friend

    check your pm inbox please i sent your a pm with some details.

    serega21 Friend

    did that, no results. check your pm.

    serega21 Friend

    any hope for solution? or things you cant solve you just leave hanging in the air? 🙂

    serega21 Friend

    amazing support guys – absolutely love it! left my issues hanging without a response, no solution, no advice, not even a bit of hope – thats the spirit! appreciate that very much indeed. cant wait to renew my membership!!!!!

    hey guys, thanks again!

    serega21 Friend

    the worst support i have ever seen. absolutely useless.

    CYPRUSMEDYA should not be “trying” to help anyone.

    any REAL moderators that can help me, or i should just forget about it?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

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