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John Wesley Brett
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May 5, 2009 at 2:41 pm #303643Thanks for looking…
I assume you noticed the thumbnails in JNews are working…so resized/images is definately writeable?Anonymous ModeratorJA Developer
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May 7, 2009 at 1:32 am #303865Hi jantunes,
I have tried to find this issue in your website but could not.
it is working file.If possible, please send me the link, which in your screenshot so that i could have a closer on the issue
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May 7, 2009 at 2:36 pm #303927Well, I’ve sent you info through private mail but don’t understand your problem.
Just install the original JA OPal, Create a Section Blog Layout, get it filled with a main article and three other under and see what happens. The layout is broken, images don’t resize just like showed in the images I’ve already posted here. II’ve checked everything under the sun, all folders are 777, besides images are resizing nicely in Category, JA News a.s.o. so it must be a Section problem. Or into the code for the Section. Easy to understand…
It would spare us a lot of time if someone at JA would just do that. I’ve been waiting since last week for an answer… in fact I’ve been waiting for a solution since the template was launched, because Section Blog Layout is not working from day one. Just test it…
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May 8, 2009 at 4:01 am #303983Hi jantunes,
I am sorry.
We have fixed this issue and update to the lastest verion.
Please kindly install this template again.jantunes Friendjantunes
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May 8, 2009 at 12:10 pm #304029Well, finally, it seems, JA come to their senses. The strange thing is that only JBrett and I claim that the Section Blog Layout is not working.
Iam going to try the template (JA should post a notice saying they’ve found a BIG ERROR) and will get back here to state if it really is working.
I say this because after a few emails exchanged with the technical support from JA I tend to be afraid of things like this. Because, besides this info from JA Developer stating that they have made something wrong, I got today at the same time, an answer from Technical support (and they only wrote nonsense in each mail…) stating that the problem is:
Dear Jose Antunes
We highly appreciate your patience during this process. The problem is that your images is too big, and when you put these images on to the articles, you do not resize it. Please try to resize these images when you put it on to the articles. Please feel free to contact us if that does not solve your problem.
Tran Ngoc Sam
JoomlArt.com Customer Service.
Besides showing that who is answering does not know much about Joomla and JA templates… it also shows that they didn’t test the template at home. It happens that the images Iam using have the exact same size as the images used in the original template. And that they resize automatically in Category, JA News a.s.o but not on Section… because the code is gone.
Wake up guys and do some good technical support. this is absolute nonsense. And yes, Iam tired… I’ve been exchanging email after email for a whole week and no one seemed to understand what was easy to understand. I even have been looking for the first time – in a long time – to other option as clubs go.
This is the first time I feel that JA is not trustable and does not listen to us as they should. This could have been much easier if they just tried the template before launch. Or when we first pointed that something was wrong. As it is I feel we’re doing the beta testing for them. Not that I mind, but then please tell me so don’t say nonsense after nonsense…
So you all know what Iam talking about, have a look at
If you browse to Companhias you’ll see what I mean.
Iam working on it so it might change, but now 13 hours GMT) it still as Section with the layout broken.
Well, back to the drawing board again. Let’s see if JA really fixed what was REALLY BROKEN.
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May 8, 2009 at 3:53 pm #304053Well, I’ve downloaded the new JA OPal (I don’t know if it is NEW because it keeps the same number) and I’ve set it up on a test site, with only the images and modules from JA.
for testing purposes I created a Section named Teste and categories named Teste and moved some articles from the football Category into there.
Now that’s important. I’ve three screen captures that tell the whole story. One shows the images resizing well in Front Page, the second shows them resizing well in Categories and the third shows… THAT THE SECTION BLOG LAYOUT IS NOT WORKING!
This shows that it is not a problem of my images being too big (as JA technical support has stated…), it is not a problem of me using some modules that break the layout (this is just the JA Opal Template as it comes), or not a problem of me not knowing what Iam doing. Its a problem of JA not knowing what they’re launching.
I guess if anyone reads through the notes in this forum they’ll understand what is going on. The pictures show the rest. JA Opal is STILL BROKEN although it was stated they changed the code.
This is for me a first professional project, I’ve accepted to do the site for a magazine Iam writting and photographing for (and yes, I intend to pay a Developer fee once I get it to work) because all the other experiences I’ve made are under my own server… and a lot of them inside my computer. I’ve been testing each new JA template that comes out. Iam specially happy with the JA Zinc, which is a fantastic template, and I liked JA OPal but Iam growing tired of it. In fact, Iam already searching for an alternative club for the magazine template, because I feel I can’t count on JA to solve problems they created. This is not a problem from something I try to do, it’s just because the code is wrong. And nothing or no one seems to be able to repair it…
have a look at the images. The original site is at http://www.flightmagazine-online.com
- May 9, 2009 at 6:07 am #304124
I kind of have the same problem and have been watching this thread since yesterday.
I have a website that needs to go live on Monday and I have the same problem with the section blog layout.Where is the JA support team?
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May 9, 2009 at 1:12 pm #304146It does not exist… really, I’ve been waiting for a whole week now, only got nonsense answers (like my images being too big) and it just so happens that this was my first “professional” work, with a magazine that should be online now… because the printed magazine launch is next week. So, JA seems to be not trustable when you really need them. And this is something they did wong, it never happened to me with dozens of templates I’ve tried during the last here. In fact I think I’ve tested most of JA tempaltes and this is the first with such a problem… and THEY CAN’T FIX it. Iam looking for another club that does give more real support. Any hints?
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May 9, 2009 at 1:22 pm #304147hmm, that doesn’t seem to easy, I had great help from the JA support before.. Just try to rewrite the code yourself.. or chance the whole template :s
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May 9, 2009 at 1:49 pm #304151Iam not able to do it. I’ve looked at various files but can not get an hint of what is wrong. Anyway, it’s a structural problem that should not happen, because the template as it is does not work. and JA Support can’t seem to fin an answer, besides stating idiotic things like my images being too big… when they’re the same size as theirs. In fact I’ve just tried again with a new download they pointed me and… it is NOT WORKING. Please see my next post, Iam just getting it ready to send…
I’ve choosen this template because it seemed right for a magazine project, but now Iam not so sure… I’ve used it for myself and I’ve lived for sometime with only categories but for this project it makes no sense. And anyway Section and Categories are just something regular in Joomla. What I think is strange is that no one besides three persons complains about this… and it happens all the time with the template, just as it comes from JA. Is people not using Sections and Categories?
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May 9, 2009 at 2:07 pm #304152well, after writting my posts I received a message from technical support stating that they had uploaded again a new version of the template. This is the third they upload and the third I try. Guess what: it is not working.
Iam posting images and explaining how I tested, so everybody can read.
I openned the template pack, used the quickstart and installed all in my homeserver for testing. I used the template as it is, just created a new Section , called BROKEN, and a new Category, also called BROKEN.
I opened the menu structure and created a Section Blog Layout called Broken on the topmenu and a Category Blog Layout called BROKEN, placed under the Broken topmenu. I made sure that the category was pointing to the right Section. I did this because I wanted to check the artciles in the two modes.
I also placed the module advertisement twice on the right side of the template, to get the layout right.
Now I choose four articles from Football section and copied them the the new Broken Section/Category.
Now lets see what happens. The images explain it but let’s wirte it down:
The articles open properly in the Frontpage, and they also open properly in the Football topmenu, which is a Category. Now when I go to the BROKEN Section I get the layout … BROKEN. The images don’t resize and they go under the modules on the right.
We’re talking about the same images and text…that resize well everywhere else.
This time I’ve decided to create a Broken Category Blog Layout under the Section Broken… and when I open it, text and images fit properly in the space…
So, this is my problem. I’ve tried to make JA understand it …and they don’t seem to get it. And it’s as easy as doing the same I did. This is called TESTING….
I’ve been at this for more than one week now… I’ve a site that should go live now, as the printed magazine is coming out next week. This is somehow my first “professional” project, because I’ve arranged to do the website for the magazine Iam writting and photographing for (that’s what I do for a living, btw, yes Iam a journalist), so I counted that it would run smoothly (never had such a problem with all the testing of JA templates).
It’s not just the problem, problems happen all the timne, it’s just the feeling that JA don’t know what Iam talking about that makes me afraid of using their sutff. This should be a simple matter of rechecking the code…
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May 9, 2009 at 5:19 pm #304158Well, guess what, JA Technical support has just set up for download another new corrected version of the template JA OPal, but the only thing new now is that the logo is not at the proper position. The Section blog layout is still broken – I named the section Still Broken because it really is – and none seems to be able to sort this out. I know it’s saturday, but Iam trying to work something out and I don’t think we will see the light at the end of the tunnel this way.
Herewith goes another image that shows my new test of their efforts. Not much changes… I’ve placed side by side the layout for section and categories with the same images and info. Am I being stupid or what?
I guess this will only work with a smiling smiley now. It’s getting kind of funny…:D
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May 9, 2009 at 6:57 pm #304160jantunes – look your Private Messages
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May 9, 2009 at 8:17 pm #304164looked and as I’ve told you your solution is a no solution. thanks for trying but with only one image it works… that I know. But what Iam looking for is the same layout JA showed on the demo template. And that simply does not work if you choose Section Blog Layout.
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May 11, 2009 at 2:37 pm #304327Guys…. I just received a file from JA Technical support, and as I thought, blog.php for Section Blog Layout was broken. Finally someone at JA comes to that conclusion. I think.
Iam going out, just had time to check the file in two test sites in my home server and it worked. LIke magic, I had the broken layout repaired. So it’s done. It seems…
I’ll get back to it later, when I return, and see if it really is working in all extent. But looking at the code, what I did briefly, the resizing options are all there. They were missing before.
I guess JA will put up a new file to download, but really all you have to do is get the Section folder from within the tempalte HTML/com_content and paste it in place of the actual one. Good if you’ve changed things to adapt the template to your needs.
thanks to all the people that tried solutions and contacted me… the REAL solution was just this one: JA repairing what was wrong.
Will get back to you later… I hope. Lot of work to do now…
AuthorPostsThis topic contains 36 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by John Wesley Brett 15 years, 7 months ago.
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