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  • holahola84 Friend

    My words are sticking too closely to my image when using mozilla. Heres my website http://www.myhebe.com. I really appreciate if some1 can provide me possible solution to fix this issue, as it looks irritating, and mozilla is very widely used browser.

    And I didn’t change anything to get this problem, I have it since the day I install japollux. And I tried changing the .mosimage properties from CSS but doesn’t works.. Hrm.. Some1 please enlighten me!

    Thx alot!

    oddcstrand Friend

    <em>@holahola84 8339 wrote:</em><blockquote>My words are sticking too closely to my image when using mozilla. Heres my website http://www.myhebe.com. I really appreciate if some1 can provide me possible solution to fix this issue, as it looks irritating, and mozilla is very widely used browser.

    And I didn’t change anything to get this problem, I have it since the day I install japollux. And I tried changing the .mosimage properties from CSS but doesn’t works.. Hrm.. Some1 please enlighten me!

    Thx alot!</blockquote>

    I also have this problem please help! I use JA Xenia template together with ijoomla news

    holahola84 Friend

    Im very sure every1 will have this problem, and in template_css.css, this is the line that causes

    * {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    I am guessing * refers to everything, and the margin: 0 property is causing the words to sticks on the image. If you change the margin to “1”, then there will be a gap inbetween, but then the problem is that the mainframe will be seperated from the side of the browser too.

    Please, I need an answer. Where in the code can I make the mainframe image margin to set to “0”, so it won’t inherit the * margin: 1; property?

    Support plesae :((

    ha le-viet Developer

    Hi holahola84,

    The image was fine in the demo site and default Joomla installation. Did you try to view your content without extra components?

    The asterisk mark was there to fix browsers incompatible. It doesn’t relate to what you have stated.

    Ha Le-Viet.

    holahola84 Friend

    Thx for reply. I apologise for my assumption. Btw if I add caption to image like in the demo site, the words will be seperated. But without the caption it will sticks to the image again (In mozilla). Have u tried adding image without caption?

    I’m not sure if its other components that causes this, Maybe I’ll install a fresh copy of joomla and ja-pollux later to check.

    ha le-viet Developer

    Hi holahola84,

    You pointed it out exactly. The problem is Joomla! generates the code of {mosimage} different when your images have and don’t have caption. With a caption, it generates a <div> with class, margin and without caption, it only generates an <img> tag.

    So if you want to use a mosimage without caption, please take it inside this mark up:
    <div class="mosimage" style="float: left;">{mosimage}</div>

    It will make the two markups look the same way.

    Ha Le-Viet.

    holahola84 Friend

    Ic, thx. But is this the only way to fix it? Cos in IE the template doesn’t have this issue, was hoping if theres anyway less troublesome way ^^

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  holahola84 17 years, 10 months ago.

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