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  • faktapress Friend

    I have a question to all of you who have already been using Teline III:

    Would you recommend it for use on a real web site today?
    Or is it too early, too many problems remaining to be solved?

    What about speed compared to Teline II – is it better or worse?

    I have a site that really needs an overhaul and if Teline III works well that would probably be my first choice. But I would be very grateful for advice from people with experience!

    kalibs112 Friend

    Personally I would recommend it but you really must optimize it to allow for quicker loading…as it stands the code is really heavy…


    nofre Friend

    It has so many bugs that I’d only recommend for somebody who really at home with Joomla, PHP and javascripts.

    • Ja_news 2 module logic is poorly designed. We’ve got a promise of upgrade a month ago but nothing yet.
    • Ja_weather module is unreliable and badly written as well (I use similar Rockettheme one without any problem)
    • plg_jathumbnail plugin is not compatible with any other wysiwyg editor than Joomla default editor. (Doesn’t remove width and height definitions nor styles from img lines).
    • The badge styling suffix logic is bad. It works well in Rockettheme, Yootheme etc. Here you need special coding APART from suffixes. (It’s still not fixed in the demo, look at the bottom of this page)
    • Updates (modules,plugins) are not using the J!1.5.x update feature, so instead of simply install the new version over the previous one, you required to remove them (with all of your custom settings) before upgrade.
    • Poor performance and doesn’t work well css/javascript compressor plugins. As Joomlarts new framework is very powerful and differs from others it should have it’s own compressor plugin from DAY ONE so browser doesn’t have to open 10 connections just to downoad the CSS and JS files.
    • ja.template.helper.php still gives apache error logs (and I’ve tried on different server configs)
    • Still hard-coded hard to translate language variables (at least now we do have langauge files…which is a pretty standard J! requirement when you writing something fo Joomla)

    Great idea, nice design, great features on paper, very bad php coding (and without speed in mind) rushed out features.

    hariorama Friend

    you can put it this way:

    if someone sells you today something like teline iii in the normal world, you would bring it back and ask for a refound.

    it’s like buying a new car with only half of the equimenent working properly and you must at home fix things for weeks in order to get it running.

    nice design for sure, but so many problems….

    berprado Friend

    I´m still waiting to do the migration from ii to iii:D

    crazyleggs Friend

    As someone mentioned above, only if you have some experience with Joomla and coding. It definitely not ready for someone just starting out in Joomla or coding.

    mizushobai Friend

    Defenitly wait until version 2.0 is out.

    SHoggard Friend

    2 different issues….

    I’ll use it, but not quite the way I’d hoped for when I re-registered… We use Teline I, and it was so long ago that I forgot the ‘learning curve’!

    So WHAT WON’T I be using?

    1. JANews – I fought with it on TelineIII v 1.0 over a weekend, realised it wasn’t robust or flexible enough for a REAL-LIFE working news site – wouldn’t ‘even up’ articles on display. Nicely colapsable in a Solar Sentinal way. But, NO, not for a Daily news site. I replaced it with iJoomla News Portal (just like I did with Teline I all those years ago!) which less than 100% perfect has the flexibility does what I need it to.

    2. JA Comment – I’m uncomfortable hosting my forum on somebody else’s site – it’s an Intellectual Property Issue

    3. JA Bookmark…. see #2 & this thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/why-is-ja-using-3-rd-party-re-route-sites-on-bookmrks-comment/

    4. JA Bulletin – see thisUNSOLVED bug report: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-bulletin-thumbs-cropping/

    5. JA Thumbnail – major conflict with JCE see this UNSOLVEDthread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/major-conflict-jce-content_jathumbnail-plugin/

    6. JA Stock – hmm nice Idea, and I could use it… (R****Theme has a google stock module – I guess we need one!) Shame it doesn’t work see this UNSOLVED thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-stock-conflicst-with-ijoomla-news-portal/

    7. JA Weather… We’re not a destination or travel website – if my readers want to know what the weather is like, they look out the window! …. BUT…..R****Theme has a google weather module – I guess we need one!

    Hmm… so what are we left with? An interesting clean layout… just a layout & still I have problems getting answers to questions on that: see this:- http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/remove-padding-in-modules/

    Would I use it: Actually yes I will – my readers on the old Joomla 1.0.x site have got used to the layout & it was time to upgrade to J 1.5 & give them a few more bells & whistles…. TelineIII could have provided them 🙁

    Would I recommend it – not on your life !!!! see points 1-7 above

    didima Friend

    l would recommend to everyone because have been using and its perfect l think

    hariorama Friend


    can we see your site please?

    ergohost Friend

    Ive got 2 sites more or less on freeze that I started to work on before the many problems with this one became apparent, I dont want to repeat work done so far on switching to a different template but I dont want to wait forever for the followup fix to V1.3 that still does not seem to have arrived, a fix that is starting to seem long past due.

    jester11218 Friend

    My site seems to be working perfectly. Even things that did not work so well with my previous template seem to work well. I am not however, using any of the JANews functionality. I use several other modules for displaying news.

    The Tabs are GREAT, as a by the way. They are the best tabs I have ever tried in Joomla!

    The speed is excellent, and I have a lot going on underneath. I use a vps for those interested.

    My site: http://tvnewslies.org

    nofre Friend

    <em>@jester11218 148435 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    The speed is excellent, and I have a lot going on underneath. I use a vps for those interested.

    My site: http://tvnewslies.org</blockquote>

    Hi Jester,

    On my side your front page loading time (without cache!) 6+ seconds (Firefox page load extension)…With only a few pictures I wouldn’t call that excellent…. whereas your Forum is down within 2 seconds.

    I agree, Joomlart’s Tab module is the best out there (especially the ajax function)…that’s why it’s kind of strange why the rest is badly executed…

    robchocolate Friend

    So far, I have uncovered two bugs that they are working on and still have issues getting the thumbnails to display properly. Sometimes JA-Thumbnail creates thumbnails, sometimes it doesn’t. Also, there are many config limitations. Here is what I cannot do:

    1. JA News FrontPage Module: Two articles next to each other that are featured: can’t do it.
    2. JA News Modules: I want to have only one or two categories per section: layout looks terrible when I change to this.

    I think this template looks great, wish it now worked great and had better documentation. Why is it not documented on a wiki? Using this forum is pretty poor for documentation and user guides.

    jester11218 Friend

    <em>@nofre 148471 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Jester,

    On my side your front page loading time (without cache!) 6+ seconds (Firefox page load extension)…With only a few pictures I wouldn’t call that excellent…. whereas your Forum is down within 2 seconds.

    I agree, Joomlart’s Tab module is the best out there (especially the ajax function)…that’s why it’s kind of strange why the rest is badly executed…</blockquote>

    Just a point…My front page contains a lot of off site data. Almost all of the images are pulled from other sites (the articles are snips from other sites and point back to the originals). There are 2 videos from off site. There are 2 ads from ad servers. The front page has perhaps the most overhead on my site.

    If you want to get a better feel for the speed click on an article headline once the front page loads. There will also be off site data but much less. A few ads and a few images, but not as many.

    I am also comparing it to the last template system I used (Yoootheme). I like that system but I am very happy now that I switched.

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