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  • artmyth Friend

    Ok – slowly getting bugs squashed on tis development site.

    this one has me baffled…
    on a page with a wrapper the footer div seems to float above the background image.


    compare that page to this one: http://www.bmfa.on.ca/development2/newsletter/index.html

    I have tried different parameters on the wrapper and cant figure it out so im thinking its something else.

    its a 1.59 install of ja-fagus on apache
    lots of mods but this issue was present before any components or mods were added

    SP Media Friend

    It looks absolutely fine here, can you post a screenshot?

    artmyth Friend

    attached is a screen shot of the issue thanks for your reply

    1. wrapper-footer
    Phill Moderator

    I had exactly the same problem. If your hit refresh it usually fixes itself but I never could work out what the cause of the problem was.

    SP Media Friend

    Validator is saying there’s a div tag that’s not been closed properly.

    What I’d do is cut off the footer from the main content by adding additional </divs> before it starts in the html, add another div after the closing </div>’s with;

    <div style="clear: both"></div>

    After that, and then start the footer.

    That should in essence clear the problem. There’s a few templates cropping up that fail validation due to these avoidable errors.

    artmyth Friend

    Thanks dude I appreciate the fast and accurate response

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  artmyth 15 years, 11 months ago.

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