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  • unvacancier Friend


    Picture better than word 😉

    iPhone :

    PC :

    On my PC (firefox or IE) there is no display problem. On my iPhone the slideshow is not center.



    1. IMG_3006
    2. IMG_3007
    3. Captur
    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Will,

    It seems that you custom to display slideshow in mobile device (iPhone) as by default, this module is hidden in mobile device.

    Could you post your site URL here and switch off Optimze CSS in template manager so that I can check for you?

    unvacancier Friend


    You can check the website in progress here



    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Will,

    Please note that this JA Vintas is not responsive template so that the slideshow will not automatically resize due to different device screen resolution.

    If you want to view, you must add style for it.

    BTW, I tried to open your site in iPhone device but it can’t open it.

    unvacancier Friend

    It’s strange because i can open it on my iPhone.

    I use Unite Revolution slider for the slideshow on the top and it works without style on iPhone or PC.

    Is the JA slideshow lite can’t do that ?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Our JA Slideshow Lite supports responsive layout. Which layout are you using for mobile device (in template manager > layout settings)?

    unvacancier Friend

    Layout for handheld, android and iphone are disabled :

    1. layout
    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you pls PM me admin login info and ftp account of site you’re working on? I will take a look

    unvacancier Friend

    Iit’s sent.


    unvacancier Friend


    i’ve tried with another slideshow : “Unite revolution slider” and it’s OK. The problem seems JA Slideshow lite. How is it possible to work with it ?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Will,

    Yes, this slideshow lite module is disabled in mobile view by default so it’s not styled. You can add this style:

    .ja-ss-btns {
    width: 970px;

    .ja-ss-btns span.ja-ss-prev {
    left: -80px;

    .ja-ss-btns span.ja-ss-next {
    right: -80px;

    into file /templates/ja_vintas/css/mod_jaslideshowlite.css

    Then remember to clean JAT3 cache.

    and let me know if it helps 🙂

    unvacancier Friend


    i’ve finally disabled JA Slideshow lite and i use another slideshow. (Website is online and customer want some effects)
    But i keep your code for future website.

    Many thanks for help.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  unvacancier 11 years, 1 month ago.

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