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  • TomC Moderator

    Is it possible to use a module multiple times – in different positions?

    For example, if I wanted to use the VM Featured Products module in multiple separate positions – with different products in each section/position – can this be done? Here is somewhat of an example of what I am taking about . . . .

    If I wanted to use the Featured Products module in the middle sections I have labeled “Featured Vendors, Products, Products, Products,” could I not create those module positions and use the functionality of the VM Featured Products module for each respective area? Would I need to rename the module for each section so that there is no data confusion between the different sections?

    Here is a mock up of the kind of display I am talking about –>


    instantinlaw Friend

    I have not done this with the featured products module, but it should work if you assign spesific and diffrent category ID(s) to each module, instead of letting the module decide. I don’t think you will need to rename the duplicated module though as each one will be pulling data from diffrent catagories.
    Good luck.

    TomC Moderator

    Is it possible to display more than three products in a horizontal row with Xenia II + VirtueMart?
    Up to this point, I have only been able to get three products to display.

    For example, see my Home Page mock-up for the kind of display I am talking about (center sections) –>



    instantinlaw Friend

    What you are going to need to do is go to your Featured Products module and change Number of displayed products to 4, change Display Style to Table (X rows and Y colums), and change Products per row to 4. If you want more rows you can change Number of displayed products to say, 12 which will display 3 rows of 4, etc, etc.
    Here is a screen shot

    TomC Moderator

    For some reason, it’s still only displaying three products.
    I’ve tried several different combinations.


    instantinlaw Friend

    This might seem like a stupid question, but do you have enough products added in virtuemart, and also promoted to on special? Only items that have been promoted to on special will show up on the front page in the Featured Products module.

    TomC Moderator

    Not a stupid question at all.

    At present, I am only working with the default products that are contained within VirtueMart – but I believe there are more than three – right? Is it based on “categories?” To be honest, I haven’t played around with VirtueMart all that much yet – still trying to customize the Joomla template.

    Perhaps that is my problem – not enough products yet.


    instantinlaw Friend

    Yes it is part of your problem, and the other part is that not all of the default products are promoted to on special. I have made a video tutorial on how to add a product in Virtuemart, which includes a section on promoting an item to on special. You can view all my videos HERE. or you can just view that video HERE
    Let me know if you need more help.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    For crying out loud Bill, how am I going to choose between you and Peter on the voting now??? This is not good. You are doing a great job on the forums here as well. Hmmm, tough decision. I have to go into the thinking box I guess…

    Michael Casha Friend

    <em>@ErikThorsen 16974 wrote:</em><blockquote>For crying out loud Bill, how am I going to choose between you and Peter on the voting now??? This is not good. You are doing a great job on the forums here as well. Hmmm, tough decision. I have to go into the thinking box I guess…</blockquote>
    Always hard isn’t it, well.. I’m on the lookout for people to go on next month’s poll!!

    instantinlaw Friend

    ErikThorsen;16974For crying out loud Bill, how am I going to choose between you and Peter on the voting now??? This is not good. You are doing a great job on the forums here as well. Hmmm, tough decision. I have to go into the thinking box I guess…

    LOL Erik,
    Peter has been around longer and has helped more people than I have, and he does deserve the award.
    Although I would love to see that great Member of the month banner above my avatar, I can wait my turn;)
    Thanks for concidering me!

    instantinlaw Friend

    MiCCAS;16982Always hard isn’t it, well.. I’m on the lookout for people to go on next month’s poll!!

    Hi MiCCAS It must have been real hard trying to figure out a way to award the Member of the month between two great posters. I don’t envy your job. 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    I was wondering if you might be able to help me (yet again) with another little tidbit. I’m trying to figure out how to remove the dotted separators between product images. In the Xenia II Shopping demo, it’s the dotted separators between the computer products just below the :Latest News” and “Popular” blocks.

    I’ve been looking through the vm_css file but I can’t quite figure out how to get rid of the dotted separators.

    Any suggestions?



    Here is a possible solution (provided by instantinlaw) . . . . .

    In ja-news.css change

    .ja-newsitem-center {
    background: url(../images/v-seperator.gif) repeat-y top right;


    .ja-newsitem-center {
    background-image: none;

    In template_css.css change

    .article_seperator {
    display: block;
    background: url(../images/seperator.gif) repeat-x center;
    height: 20px;


    .article_seperator {
    display: block;
    height: 20px;
    background-image: none;

    TomC Moderator

    When I tried Bill’s fix above, it did not remove the dotted-separator from the vm-fp area/module I need it removed from.

    See my WIP site –>
    The section I am referring to is the first “Featured Vendors” area (just below the big blank image area).

    (please excuse the sloppy layout at the moment … it’s a work-in-progress)

    Here is the code from the vm_css file:

    #ja-feature {
    padding: 1px;
    position: relative;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center top;
    background-image: url(../images/blue/pd_bg2.jpg);
    margin: 0px;

    and here is the corresponding code from the index.php file:

    <?php if ( mosCountModules(‘vm-fp’) ) { ?>
    <div id=”ja-feature”>
    <div id=”ja-feature-products”>
    <?php mosLoadModules(‘vm-fp’, -1); ?>

    Again, I am trying to remove the dotted-separator from the top “Featured Vendors” section – which, as I said, is occupying the vm-fp module position.



    instantinlaw Friend

    Hi Tom,
    I’m not getting the same results as what I am seeing on your site. I can tell you that what you are looking for is not in the code you posted. What you are looking for is this line

    The css changes I sent you will remove the dotted lines in the ja-news only. What it looks like is that you have not unpublished the popular, latest news, and newsflash modules and they are showing through? just a thought.
    I will look into it further tomorrow, but in the meantime if someone else has a suggestion feel free to jump in.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 42 total)

This topic contains 42 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  instantinlaw 17 years, 4 months ago.

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