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  • TomC Moderator

    I have “Latest News,” “Popular,” and “Newsflash” unpublished.

    Not only that, the area in question is the vm-fp module position – so I can’t figure out why these separators would be showing up – as there is no rule for them set within the vm_css file (at least I can’t find it). I don’t want to delete the separator.gif file from the images folder because there are areas that I want to keep the separator – just not in that particular section.

    Arrrrrgh – CSS layout. :-[

    instantinlaw Friend

    I am not telling you to delete the seperator.gif. The line of code you are looking for has that in it. Your site is so heavily modified that it is hard to duplicate it to see what the problem is.

    Try this

    In template_css.css search for

    #ja-topsl div.ja-box-left,
    #ja-topsl div.ja-box-center {
    background: url(../images/v-seperator.gif) repeat-y top right;

    and change it to

    #ja-topsl div.ja-box-left,
    #ja-topsl div.ja-box-center {
    background-image: none;

    It might be a pain modifying the css now but in the long run it will make your life a lot easier. 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    I did exactly what you indicated above – and those dang dotted separators are still there.


    Okay, this is crazy . . . . As an experiment, I deleted “separator.gif” from the image folder.
    When I refresh the site, the separators are still there.

    Now I’m truly confused.


    EDIT 2:

    The function was being controlled within the ja-script.js file.

    It was at the bottom – line 229 . . . I changed the original:

    rows.cells[j].className += ” ja-rightseparator”;


    rows.cells[j].className += ;


    instantinlaw Friend

    Did you try clearing your browser cache?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@instantinlaw 17587 wrote:</em><blockquote>Did you try clearing your browser cache?</blockquote>

    Ironically, just as you were posting, I figured it out.

    See “EDIT 2” in my previous post.

    Whomever said CSS design was easy needs to be shaken around …. though it can be done with some perseverance.

    Now, onto my Header border problem ->


    instantinlaw Friend

    Well that was easy now wasn’t it. 😉

    TomC Moderator

    Okay, let’s say I’ve set up my template to feature four separate feature products modules for my Home Page (i.e. vm_fp1, vm_fp2, vm_fp3, vm_fp4) … and lets say each one is for a particular category of product.

    How does one (or can one) assign a specific category and/or product to a specific/designated module so that it displays only in the designated module on the Home Page?


    instantinlaw Friend

    Take a look at the screen shot. The catagory selector is in the featured products module.

    1. screenshot2
    TomC Moderator

    Okay – So it would seem that I can select a particular Category for the module . . . but what about specific products?

    Let’s say, for one of my Featured Products module displays, I want an image of a guitar, a drumkit, a keyboard and a tuba.
    Each of these instruments are in a different “category” of products – i.e. Guitars, Drums, Keyboards, Brass.

    Am I only allowed to designate a category per module – or can I assign specific products to display in a particular module?

    (sorry to be such a pain in the neck)


    instantinlaw Friend

    That I can’t tell you because I haven’t done it. But have you moused over the text to the left to see what it says? or looked at the other configuration options?

    TomC Moderator

    I think I’ve figured a work-around for this … at least I have a few ideas to test out.
    (will keep you posted).

    Next Issue . . .
    Do you know how to configure the css toward increasing the size of the images displayed within the vm-fp (featured products) module on the Home Page? Right now they seem to be set at a fixed size of about 90×90 – which I would like to increase.

    I have spent a good hour or two looking through ever conceivable file I can think of – css, modules, components, etc . . .
    I can’t find the instruction that controls the image display size.

    I know there has got to be some kind of simple solution for this that I am not seeing.


    instantinlaw Friend

    I believe that the featured products module pulls the thumbnail images from the product images folder. If you want larger images you will have to upload and overwrite the auto generated thumbnails that were created when you added the product.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@instantinlaw 17741 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    I believe that the featured products module pulls the thumbnail images from the product images folder. If you want larger images you will have to upload and overwrite the auto generated thumbnails that were created when you added the product.</blockquote>

    I took a look into the product images folder in the vm_component (where the product images are stored) and all of the images are larger than the image displayed in the featured products module. Again, it looks as though the module wants to display the images at approximately 90×90 (give or take a pixel or two). For example, the test product I uploaded is 200×200.

    How would I overwrite the auto-generated thumbnail image created?
    There isn’t a separate image file for that – at least not that I can find.

    Again, it seems that there has got to be a parameter control that determines the display size of the images – but where is it?


    instantinlaw Friend

    My mistake, Do this instead.
    Go to Components>Virtuemart, Then click the configuration tab, click the Site tab and then click the Layout sub tab. Then change the settings in the fields available. See screen shots to see where I’m talking about.

    1. vmgraphic
    2. vmgraphic2
    TomC Moderator

    <em>@instantinlaw 17748 wrote:</em><blockquote>My mistake, Do this instead.
    Go to Components>Virtuemart, Then click the configuration tab, click the Site tab and then click the Layout sub tab. Then change the settings in the fields available. See screen shots to see where I’m talking about.</blockquote>

    I don’t seem to have that configuration parameter in my Admin (see attached image)

    1. layoutconfig
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