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  • surhaj Friend


    I’m a bit of a n00b, but have installed templates on my site before with no problems.
    However, when I download the Purity III file (using the link in the forum), I keep getting an error thrown:

    JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file

    I have checked the file contents, and there is a templateDetails.xml file, so no obvious missing file…
    I’m running Joomla 3.2.2

    Any suggestions to what I’m missing here…?

    Saguaros Moderator

    It looks like you install quickstart package via Backend > Extensions > Install.

    Please note that installing quickstart package is the same like the way you install a Joomla package: http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/other/quickstart-installation

    If you want to install this Purity III template via extension manager, you should download the correct package of template via download section of Purity III template: http://prntscr.com/2xpk7q

    6709 Friend

    Hi surhaj!
    May be a bit late responding to your mail, but if you download the zip-file, then unzip it on your computer, then you´ll see some folders. They are as an example, component, plugin, template(note it is similar structure as in public_html/templates/…templ-name +s).
    By using Extension Manager in the backend and browse to one of these unzipped folders(singular names, without the letter s), then you are supposed to be able to install from those zip-files(as you need-it´s yours to chose).
    I hope this helps!
    Happy Joomling!

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