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  • bestshore3 Friend

    Hi Her0, Hi all,

    I’m continuing trying to import data with xml file and I have an other error.

    I finally succeed to export the data from xlsx to xml.. I attached an excel macro here for those who have the same problem.
    I uploaded the file on my ftp, pointed to it from the import config but when I launch the import, I have the following error :

    Imported Logs on Aug 28, 2013 16:32 by idris:
    XML Parse error: XML error at line 7 column 29

    is it an error based on the xml file or related to an other file?
    Because on the file, here is the data :

    <blockquote> <job>
    <localisation>LES MUREAUX</localisation>
    <statut>Agent de maîtrise</statut>
    <horaires>35h HEBDO Horaires normaux</horaires>
    <nbsal>NON DEFINI</nbsal>
    <activite>Autres commerces de détail spécialisés divers</activite>
    <contact>NATURE ET DECOUVERTES – M. coco gassmanE-mail : 126dm@nature-et-decouvertes.com</contact>
    <savesal>Mensuel de 1 431,00 à 1 431,00 euros sur 13 mois </savesal>
    <Nom>Mme Halima KHELAfI</Nom>
    <intitule>RESPONSABLE DE SECTEUR (H/F)</intitule>
    <secteur>Gestion Immobilière</secteur>
    <societe>ANTIN RESIDENCES</societe>

    so in line 7, column 29, it’s here <co”_”ntrat> so there’s no reason to have an error right here…

    Can you please give me a hand on this to finally arrive to import the data??


    1. macro-export-xml.txt
    bestshore3 Friend


    I discovered the problem.
    The xml file I exported was unproperly coded. I had to encode it in ANSI and after that convert it in UTF 8.

    By the way, I have an other problem…

    I finally succeed to import the data ! Hurrah! but when I do so, I choosed the following option :

    Insert using the employer username, create a new account from the account data in the feed.

    So, my jobs data are imported well but the Employer are not created in the process.
    Following the import log :

    Inserted Employer | 0 | ADMS | admscentredesante@wanadoo.fr | Mme BENOIST Mireille
    - Job [ Title: '' ...', ID:15, Emp.ID: 0, ]
    Inserted Employer | 0 | MINERVOISE | adoukhan@minervoise.fr | Mme doukhan annie
    - Job [ Title: '' ...', ID:16, Emp.ID: 0, ]
    Inserted Employer | 0 | ADREXO | adx151@spir.fr | M. DAMANI
    - Job [ Title: '' ...', ID:17, Emp.ID: 0, ]

    We can see that all employers are imported with “0” in ID and are not saved at all…

    Can somebody being helpfull or I have to support myself for allthings 🙂

    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Bestshore3,

    <blockquote>We can see that all employers are imported with “0” in ID and are not saved at all…</blockquote>

    In the employer table, the id field is not auto increased value. So that, you should create a new Employer in the Employer Management then go to step 3 of Import Jobs function to assign that Employer to map new Jobs.

    bestshore3 Friend

    Thanks for your reply.

    But, what does mean this option
    Insert using the employer username, create a new account from the account data in the feed.
    If it doesn’t create new account, why it say so? And there are options to choose the username, password etc…

    I can have THOUSAND of employers by week…I have to create each one?

    Really your reply don’t make no sense or you don’t understand my problem or I don’t know what but be sure I am VERY VERY VERY VERY disappointed and I deeply regret to have chosen your product instead other solutions.

    HeR0 Friend


    I am sorry for my misunderstanding your case. Now, you can do as follows to get the issue solved.

    – Open file administratorcomponentscom_jajobboardassetXMLImportHelper.php
    – Go to function fcnInsertEmployerData and find code block
    [PHP]// Insert new user
    $sql = “INSERT INTO #__users (id, gid “.$sqlFields.”, `password`, `params`, `registerDate`) VALUES(NULL, ’18’ “.$sqlValues.”, ‘”.$password.”‘, ‘usertype=Guest’, ‘”.date(“Y-m-d”).”‘) “;
    $strEmployerID = $db->insertid();

    $sql = “INSERT INTO #__core_acl_aro (id, section_value, value, name) VALUES(NULL, ‘users’, ‘”.$strEmployerID.”‘, ‘”.$username.”‘) “;
    $last_id = $db->insertid();

    $sql = “INSERT INTO #__core_acl_groups_aro_map (group_id, aro_id) VALUES(’18’, ‘”.$last_id.”‘) “;
    – Change it to
    [PHP]$sql = “INSERT INTO #__users (id “.$sqlFields.”, `password`, `params`, `registerDate`) VALUES(NULL “.$sqlValues.”, ‘”.$password.”‘, “.$db->Quote(json_encode(array(‘usertype’=>’Employer User’))).”, ‘”.date(“Y-m-d”).”‘) “;
    $strEmployerID = $db->insertid();

    $sql = “INSERT INTO #_user_usergroup_map (user_id, group_id) VALUES(‘”.$strEmployerID.”‘, ’18’) “;

    This is an issue related to Joomla version and we will update it in coming release.


    bestshore3 Friend

    Hi Her0,

    Ok, I can now import the data and I see that the employer is created with new ID.
    But I can’t see the jobs, neither the employers anywhere on the system…
    In the back nor the front, in job listing or in employers list..
    Where is the following error? How can we fix this?

    I can only see the jobs in the imported jobs..

    bestshore3 Friend

    I found the solution.
    The employers are imported only in Joomla users.
    I had to valdate their accounts on joomla, after that I had to import them as employers in the JAJB.
    Finally I have my jobs imported in the system.

    HeR0 Friend


    <blockquote>The employers are imported only in Joomla users.</blockquote>

    Yes, any new account must be imported by admin.

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