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  • eltommo Friend

    <em>@dragonlord 81114 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    But it isn’t to overlook, the big template clubs like Joomlart, Yootheme and Rockettheme made rather average templates the last month.

    The little template clubs like Gavick, Shape5, Joomlajunkie, etc.. are becoming better and better..

    I have not heard about these pages (I saw Rockettheme but I did not like it)? Do you know any other sites like this? I’m running out of membership and seriously wonder whether to renew? All this what is happening here(call home, Copyright Removal, Renew with 1domain for 49$, I don’t know what will be in next year?) and the quality of last templates, tell me to look around and see if there is no better proposal.

    Hung can You write clean rules and some vision how JA will looks in next years that I can decide if it is ok for me?

    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@eltommo 81195 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    Hung can You write clean rules and some vision how JA will looks in next years that I can decide if it is ok for me?


    That a very very fair request….

    What are the plans for the coming year?
    Are your template going to be all along the same lines?

    With no disrespect intended…can we get a clear understanding of what the rules are…a lot get misunderstood in translation.

    Thanks in advance Hung 😉

    dragonlord Friend

    <em>@eltommo 81195 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have not heard about these pages (I saw Rockettheme but I did not like it)? Do you know any other sites like this? I’m running out of membership and seriously wonder whether to renew? All this what is happening here(call home, Copyright Removal, Renew with 1domain for 49$, I don’t know what will be in next year?) and the quality of last templates, tell me to look around and see if there is no better proposal.

    Hung can You write clean rules and some vision how JA will looks in next years that I can decide if it is ok for me?</blockquote>

    Look at bestofjoomla.com. In the left Bottom you find a list with “active providers”

    There are hardly all templateclubs. There are only 2 missing

    1) joomlabamboo.com

    2) joomlajet.com (very bad templates, just for mentioned it)

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@sea dog 81147 wrote:</em><blockquote>And I bet you had a smug little grin on your face as you submitted that little gem.

    Tom, you really are an antogonistic twerp of the very hghest order.[quoe]
    This from the clown who thinks anyone cares whether he stays or goes.


    sea dogI was hoping that, in posting the above, Hung and team would realise that loyal customers would not renew if they continued to release rehashes of templates[/quote]
    No, you created this thread out of a self-serving ego-driven need to try and get yourself noticed and/or to create a soapbox wherein you could whine about your purely subjective opinion relating to your displeasure with this template. Many other loyal customers, including myself, like this new template. What makes you think that your membership is any more important and/or valued than ours?

    sea dog It might even, if enough people spoke up, make them rethink their ethos and start developing new typography ideas, new colour schemes etc etc..

    What mystical force is preventing you from creating such modifications yourself?

    You sig states ‘ A template is only a starting point . . . The magic is in what you do with it from there.’ I agree, but if you really think that then surely you can see that anyone with even rudimentary css and image skills could make one of half a dozen templates released over the past year look just like this one.

    Yet, you’re complaining about the base starting point that JA has provided for you.
    Perhaps you could focus some of that energy in working on those rudimentary modifications.

    If you think otherwise, how about constructing a reasoned response (like others have in this thread) rather then a flippant playground jibe?</blockquote>
    I do think otherwise, and I have constructively voiced my opinions/positions on numerous occasions. Unfortunately, there always seems to be someone who thinks his/herself so special that he/she thinks that the kind of non-constructive comments you made within your initial post is going to effectuate any other result than one of general subjectivity and annoyance.

    So you don’t like this template – fine. Many others, including myself, do.
    What makes you think that posting that you are not going to renew matters?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@mfcphil 81150 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I think its a shame that every now and then we can’t get a template that match’s the other leading template company for style (you know who I mean)….and yes I know simpler is probably better, but like I said just every now and then put a smile on our faces :)</blockquote>
    Each template club offers something unique that the others do not . . . in JA’s case, it’s the versatility of it’s templates for a wide-variety of possible themes/purposes.

    sea dog Friend

    If you are happy that all the templates have similar colour schemes, same typography etc then good for you. I’m not, and if I want to voice my opinion and let the people (who I’ve paid good money to) know about it then I should be able to without the forum Gestapo jumping down my throat with a frivilous comment designed to do nothing but get a reaction.

    Mcphil’s anology was spot on. No matter how good a painter you are if you’re given the same canvas and 3 colours every time there’s only so much you can do before you’re spending more time then you should be mixing colours and changing the size of the canvas.

    If one of my customers was thinking about leaving me I’d like them to let me know and tell me their reasons in the hope that I could do something about. it.

    If you think differently, then maybe that’s the reason you can spend so much time dissecting other peoples posts and attempting to start flame wars for no apparent reason.

    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 81240 wrote:</em><blockquote>Each template club offers something unique that the others do not . . . in JA’s case, it’s the versatility of it’s templates for a wide-variety of possible themes/purposes.</blockquote>

    Tom I know that….:)

    But that has nothing to do with our little request for a bit more variation and a few more fresh looking elements in the templates.

    • Typography
    • More module class suffix
    • Ability to alter backgrounds

    Lets not turn this post into another your right and we are all wrong sessions please 😉

    midgard Friend

    Im currently working on a few projects at the moment, and one of them is actually a bastardised template, where I have basicly ripped out the bare bones of the design and layerd it over another database driven design that the company works with.

    The great thing with JA, and this design as well, is the smoothness of its design to allow me to do this. (although im not even sure if i am allowed to do this, even though I will be keeping all the copywrite for JA in the template, and to joe-public they would’nt be aware this was a joomla site or not anyway).

    RT, and many others are too heavy to do this. JA give me templates I can rip apart and rebuild in a way that I need them. Im a programer not a designer, yet with JA, I can create sites that will do what I need them to do, create a nice skin to go over a complex database. Many of my clients do not care about fancy graphics, only that the system works they way they want it too. I’ve always viewd JA as more business minded designs, rather than fancy graphic designs.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@sea dog 81291 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you are happy that all the templates have similar colour schemes, same typography etc then good for you. I’m not, and if I want to voice my opinion and let the people (who I’ve paid good money to) know about it then I should be able to without the forum Gestapo jumping down my throat with a frivilous comment designed to do nothing but get a reaction.[/quote]
    And if I want to comment upon someone’s whining and let the people know that someone’s personal/subjective disapproval and/or threatening to not renew does not equate into a majority opinion, I can and will do so regardless of whether or not it gives you reason to reexamine your self-serving soap-box subjectivism and think that you speak for anyone other than yourself.

    sea dogMcphil’s anology was spot on. No matter how good a painter you are if you’re given the same canvas and 3 colours every time there’s only so much you can do before you’re spending more time then you should be mixing colours and changing the size of the canvas.[/quote]
    Such is a pessimistic and limiting way to look at it – and, once again, tries to overlook/dance around the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING preventing you from modifying the given base template in any way you want / need – INCLUDING changing color schemes, typography, images, content, etc.

    Again, read my quote a few more times and try to get the concept to sink in.

    If one of my customers was thinking about leaving me I’d like them to let me know and tell me their reasons in the hope that I could do something about. it.

    Yes, but I doubt that your customer would do so publicly and/or in a soap-box manner so as to try and purport his opinion as a majority opinion. The fact of the matter is that you are personally disappointed with some of JA’s Templates. What you don’t seem to be able to understand is that your opinion is not a “speak for all” opinion. Many of us here see the base versatility within JA’s templates and, as such, appreciate the starting point structure that JA provides.

    Incidentally, if you are taking on clients in a web-design/development capacity, then why are you having such a problem with the base color schemes and typography? Should you not be capable of modifying/customizing css design code to realize whatever color and/or typography changes you wish? (It’s actually a relatively simple process).

    If you think differently, then maybe that’s the reason you can spend so much time dissecting other peoples posts and attempting to start flame wars for no apparent reason.</blockquote>
    This from the person who has a problem with someone taking exception to his opinion, yet spent so much time responding to another person’s opinion. Again, what makes your ability and/or entitlement to express your opinion as to a particular issue any more valid than my own?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@mfcphil 81303 wrote:</em><blockquote>Tom I know that….:)

    But that has nothing to do with our little request for a bit more variation and a few more fresh looking elements in the templates.

    • Typography
    • More module class suffix
    • Ability to alter backgrounds

    I know what you’re saying . . . the only thing I’m trying to get across is that anyone can do these things regardless of whether or not JA does it for you within it’s base template structure. In face, you, yourself, have successfully accomplished these things in your own site (I’ve seen it). 🙂

    The reason I jumped in and am trying to offer some reason to our friend, sea dog, is largely due to the needless/unnecessary inclusion of “I’m not going to renew” within his initial voiced displeasure with the latest template. He talks about being constructive with one’s criticism (as I always do), but there is nothing constructive about such a self-serving “threat.”

    Lets not turn this post into another your right and we are all wrong sessions please ;)</blockquote>
    Just voicing my opinions on the matter as did sea dog. In the end, he is going to do what he is going to do . . . I only endeavor to offer some further insight and inspire some introspection on the matter.

    jwellman Friend

    Hi Tom… where have you been the last few weeks? I’ve missed your soap operas! 😀

    I think the template is “Okay” but not the best I’ve seen from JA. The good thing about the template is the ability to tear it apart and start anew. As far as Typography… I usually tear those apart as well. Backgrounds? Yes they can be a problem without knowledge in Paint Shop. It would be nice if all the graphics came in PSD form but some templates are missing images.

    mfcphil Friend

    As you will see from my site I was unable to change the background as I wanted to. http://www.peacockquizzes.com so the grey remains, this was due to the very poor slicing of the modules, there was a lot of grey left around the edges…alas I don’t know how to do everything (YET!!)

    I don’t want or expect everything doing for me, just the ability to change things made somewhat easier.

    A few new typography icons from JA isn’t too much to ask considering the amount of money they are raking in. 🙂

    sea dog Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 81324 wrote:</em><blockquote>And if I want to comment upon someone’s whining and let the people know that someone’s personal/subjective disapproval and/or threatening to not renew does not equate into a majority opinion, I can and will do so regardless of whether or not it gives you reason to reexamine your self-serving soap-box subjectivism and think that you speak for anyone other than yourself.
    Whining? Self-serving soap-box subjectivism? What the hell are you on about? I stated that I had made my mind up not to renew based on the template variety shown recently. I also stated that I would keep checking back and if I liked what I saw would reconsider. Everyone else who replied to this thread did so in a reasonable manner – but for some strange reason you just decided to throw an uncalled for, antogonistic jibe into the mix.

    <em>@tcraw1010 81324 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Such is a pessimistic and limiting way to look at it – and, once again, tries to overlook/dance around the fact that there is absolutely NOTHING preventing you from modifying the given base template in any way you want / need – INCLUDING changing color schemes, typography, images, content, etc.
    lol, what a ridiculous comment. The whole point of joining a template club is to save site development time and therefore speed up turnaround.

    <em>@tcraw1010 81324 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Again, read my quote a few more times and try to get the concept to sink in.
    Nice self rightous comment there Tom. I can read and understand you fine thank you very much – I don’t have to agree with it.

    <em>@tcraw1010 81324 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Yes, but I doubt that your customer would do so publicly and/or in a soap-box manner so as to try and purport his opinion as a majority opinion. The fact of the matter is that you are personally disappointed with some of JA’s Templates. What you don’t seem to be able to understand is that your opinion is not a “speak for all” opinion. Many of us here see the base versatility within JA’s templates and, as such, appreciate the starting point structure that JA provides.

    So I’m not allowed to state my view point on a forum provided for that purpose? And I did not state anything other then the fact that this template has the same colour schemes and the same typography options, hence the reason I haven’t renewed. And did I say anything about speaking for all? Do you want me to put a little disclaimer on the bottom of the posts stating that it is my opinion only? And you’re obviously too blinkered to acknowledge that some people do agree with this view. I suspect that even JA are not 100% satisfied with their releases otherwise why would they bo moving to the one template per month model?

    <em>@tcraw1010 81324 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Incidentally, if you are taking on clients in a web-design/development capacity, then why are you having such a problem with the base color schemes and typography? Should you not be capable of modifying/customizing css design code to realize whatever color and/or typography changes you wish? (It’s actually a relatively simple process).
    Already answered this one.

    <em>@tcraw1010 81324 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    This from the person who has a problem with someone taking exception to his opinion, yet spent so much time responding to another person’s opinion. Again, what makes your ability and/or entitlement to express your opinion as to a particular issue any more valid than my own?</blockquote>
    No, I took excepetion to the way you replied – it was neither called for nor warranted (in my opinion of course).

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@sea dog 81351 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    lol, what a ridiculous comment. The whole point of joining a template club is to save site development time and therefore speed up turnaround. [/quote]
    But not ALIEVIATE development/ customization / modification. JA does not offer “built-to-go / turnkey” websites – they provide STARTING POINT templates from which people can take and run with.

    sea dogSo I’m not allowed to state my view point on a forum provided for that purpose? [/quote]
    Who said you weren’t?

    sea dogAnd I did not state anything other then the fact that this template has the same colour schemes and the same typography options, hence the reason I haven’t renewed. [/quote]
    Look at the title of your thread again . . . why the need for the “yawn” comment?

    And you’re obviously too blinkered to acknowledge that some people do agree with this view. I suspect that even JA are not 100% satisfied with their releases otherwise why would they bo moving to the one template per month model?

    Ironically, they are moving to one template a month because of dissatisfaction amongst some members who, like you, felt that creativity was falling-short. Of course, many of these same members then raised a hoot -n-hollar when JA made the decision to move to one a month in effort to give them more time each month to improve upon quality. So, it was a catch-22/damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation. (Some people will simply never be satisfied).

    Look, I’m not trying to change your mind about how you feel … I’m merely voicing my opinion in response to yours in effort to provide you with a bit more perspective on the issue. Hey, I’m not a fan of orange and/or green color schemes either … but I recognize that such are not difficult items to modify, even for a relative beginner/intermmediate Joomla user like me.

    Now,. as for the background issue that mfcphill mentioned . . . that I’m not 100% sure about. I know if can be done, but from the css references I have researched, it does take some specialized tweaking. (Let’s face it, there is always going to be some things that we all would like to accomplish that is going to take seeking assistance from someone more skilled.)

    Already answered this one.

    Not really, no – but not worth arguing over.

    No, I took excepetion to the way you replied – it was neither called for nor warranted (in my opinion of course).</blockquote>
    Fair enough … Just as I did not feel the “yawn” or the “I’m not going to renew” was warranted in expressing your issues/concerns with this latest template. Hence, my response.

    It’s no secret I am a bit more passionate than many when it comes to certain issues . . . chalk it up to once having the same issues, but – though time, effort and personal education – working through many of them and ultimately understanding that there is virtually nothing that cannot be accomplished with any fo these templates if one is willing to put forth the time and effort into making it happen. (Believe me, I still struggle with this every single day).


    joomlaturk Friend

    I would like to see WEB 2.0 type templates.
    JA had only one 6 months ago.

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