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  • IH van der Meulen Friend

    The text “You are here” is hardcoded in index.php.
    To solve this change line 85:
    [PHP]<strong>YOU ARE HERE:</strong><jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” />[/PHP]
    [PHP]<strong><?php echo JText::_(“You are here”);?></strong><jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” />[/PHP]
    And append to language file “/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_japyrite.ini”:
    [PHP]YOU ARE HERE=You are here:[/PHP]

    tavolucas Friend

    Can you explain this post better, I had that you explain but not work, I want that when you stay in language spanish appear in the pathway: “Estas aqui:”, and when you select languaje english change to “You are here”
    Thaks and sorry my english

    IH van der Meulen Friend

    To support spanish translations, add or append to language file “/language/es-ES/es-ES.tpl_japyrite.ini”:
    [PHP]YOU ARE HERE=Estas aqui:[/PHP]
    Use the proper ISO language code, e.g. es-ES for Castillian Spanish, or es-MX for Mexican.
    You need to do this for every language you wanna support.
    Does this help?

    tavolucas Friend

    I edit my: templatesjapyriteindex.php and change code:

    <strong>You are here:</strong><jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” />


    <strong><?php echo JText::_(“You are here”);?></strong><jdoc:include type=”module” name=”breadcrumbs” />

    then I have create (because this not exits) one file to name es-ES.tpl_japyrite.ini in

    and in this file write: YOU ARE HERE=Estas aqui:
    save that as UTF-8 and upload to my server, but this not work

    The same problem happen to “search” module and no is possible to change that to way joomfish (?¿)

    tavolucas Friend

    finally that work! The problem is tha I save the .ini to my notepad and this no right, Thanks!

    The solution to “SEARCH” is idem but you change code:

    <a class=”search-switch” href=”<?php echo $tmpTools->baseurl();?>?option=com_search” onclick=”this.blur();showBox(‘ja-search’,’mod_search_searchword’);return false;” title=”<?php JText::_(‘Search’);?>”>Search</a>


    <a class=”search-switch” href=”<?php echo $tmpTools->baseurl();?>?option=com_search” onclick=”this.blur();showBox(‘ja-search’,’mod_search_searchword’);return false;” title=”<?php JText::_(‘Search’);?>”><?php echo JText::_(‘Search’); ?></a>

    IH van der Meulen Friend

    I missed the search part. Thanks for notifying!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  IH van der Meulen 16 years, 3 months ago.

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