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  • hmoerlie Friend

    Hi guys, i have no idea why the youtube is not shown,

    can anyone help?


    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hi Hmoerlie,
    Your problem may be the same as this topic:
    <em>@Dead Code 328362 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I known the cause of this issue, when you edit article and save it. Its content was filtered and remove some tags that defined in blacklist tags (script,applet,iframe). Youtube video code is use iframe tag, so it is removed from article content.
    To solve this issue, you need update your youtube profile (in ja social feed form) to use old embeld code type (is use object tag),
    or you need remove iframe tag from ignore list (this list is defined in tinymce plugin, so you need go to plugin manager page, filter with editors group, you will see tiny mce plugin)</blockquote>

    If you still got problem, feel free to ask.

    hmoerlie Friend

    Hi Luna Garden,

    it still dont work, this is the code can anyone help me why the video doesnt show?

    <div class=”youtube-item”>
    <div class=”content”><img class=”ja-social-img” src=”” border=”0″ /></div>
    <p class=”readmore”><a class=”readmore” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”(Source Youtube)”>(Source Youtube)</a></p>

    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hi Hmoerlie,
    Please delete all old article from Youtube you have imported, also in Trash.
    Then import your Youtube content again with Tiny MCE plugin and removed “iframe” from the list of prohibited items, JA Social Feed Plugin to use the “old embed” code.

    If it still doesn’t work, please send me your site info for further check.

    hmoerlie Friend

    Hi Luna,
    I am kind of newb with this so this is what i did:
    I created a new item in k2 item list with the name youtube-item-test, in the content i added with the toggle editor:
    <div class=”youtube-item”>
    <div class=”content”><img class=”ja-social-img” src=”” border=”0″ /></div>
    <p class=”readmore”><a class=”readmore” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”(Source Youtube)”>(Source Youtube)</a></p>

    but this is what i see:

    And i want the video in to be show?

    Can you help me pls?


    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hi Hmoerlie,
    That’s not the way to fetch data from Youtube : )
    1. First of all, go to Backend >> Component >> K2 >> Item >> Filter all article from Youtube >> Delete then delete them in Trash too.
    2. Retrieve the data:
    Backend >> Extensions >> Plugin Manager >> JA System Social Feed plugin >> On tab Youtube, choose your Content is K2, then back to first tab >> click on Run now.
    If you follow these steps still got problems, please send me your site info to find out the solutions.

    And, I just check your link, video’s shown now. Is it fixed ?

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Luna Garden 12 years ago.

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