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  • ozzymanson2 Friend

    can you add or how can i add by myself text area that set extended classes to all videos that loaded trought one of Social feed youtube profiles?

    i want all videos have dark or hilight classes. or may be different classes my my own.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi ozzymanson2,

    Just clarify what you are really need here.
    If you want to set extended class to youtube articles, here steps:
    – Open article in edit mode
    – Expand Metadata Options
    – Set your extended class to ‘Extended Classes’ field

    If you have problem with edit the youtube aricle (after click saved, the video is missing). then you have to allow iframe tag in Tiny-MCE editor. Here the steps how to do it.
    – Open Plugin Manager
    – Search for ‘Editor – TinyMCE’ plugin and open it in edit mode
    – remove ‘iframe’ in Prohibited Elements field.

    Save and try to edit your youtube article again.


    ozzymanson2 Friend

    <em>@Wall Crasher 350272 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi ozzymanson2,

    Just clarify what you are really need here.
    If you want to set extended class to youtube articles, here steps:
    – Open article in edit mode
    – Expand Metadata Options
    – Set your extended class to ‘Extended Classes’ field

    If you have problem with edit the youtube aricle (after click saved, the video is missing). then you have to allow iframe tag in Tiny-MCE editor. Here the steps how to do it.
    – Open Plugin Manager
    – Search for ‘Editor – TinyMCE’ plugin and open it in edit mode
    – remove ‘iframe’ in Prohibited Elements field.

    Save and try to edit your youtube article again.


    i mean can you add in socail feed text area where i can set extended classes which will be added to the articles AUTOMATICALLY

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi ozzymanson2,

    Here are steps to customize the social feed plugin for Youtube.

    Please make sure you have BACKUP before customizing.

    1. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.xml and this block code at line 215

    <field name="youtube_exclass" type="text" default="" label="Extened Class" description="Extened Class"/>

    2. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.php and add this block code at line 535

    $post['metadata'] = json_encode(array('xclass' => $youtube_exclass));

    3. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedtablesjoomla.php and add this block code at line 95

    $item['metadata'] = isset($post['metadata']) ? $post['metadata'] : '';

    Now save all, set the extended class in a youtube profile (please save profile first) and press Run now button.

    Please note: Those extended classes will not be applied to your existing articles. And only new articles will added to database, existing articles will not be replaced. You should consider to delete those feeds (must empty the Trash) to make those feeds import again.

    Hope it helps.


    ozzymanson2 Friend

    wall crasher;350370hi ozzymanson2,

    here are steps to customize the social feed plugin for youtube.

    Please make sure you have backup before customizing.

    1. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.xml and this block code at line 215

    <field name="youtube_exclass" type="text" default="" label="extened class" description="extened class"/>

    2. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.php and add this block code at line 535

    $post['metadata'] = json_encode(array('xclass' => $youtube_exclass));

    3. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedtablesjoomla.php and add this block code at line 95

    $item['metadata'] = isset($post['metadata']) ? $post['metadata'] : '';

    now save all, set the extended class in a youtube profile (please save profile first) and press run now button.

    Please note: Those extended classes will not be applied to your existing articles. And only new articles will added to database, existing articles will not be replaced. You should consider to delete those feeds (must empty the trash) to make those feeds import again.

    Hope it helps.


    thank you!!!!

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi ozzymanson2,

    I missed one step.

    You should declare the variable $youtube_exclass= $this->getProperty($profile, ‘youtube_exclass’, ”);
    Please add the line code above to file pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.php at line 431.


    ozzymanson2 Friend

    i’ve just update social feed, make all the customizings but it didn’t work(

    what i need to do to add wxtended classes to facebook and twitter?

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi ozzymanson2,

    Did you have success with youtube extended class?
    For Facebook and twitter, just repeat those steps and change the variable name.

    <blockquote>1. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.xml and this block code at line 215
    <field name=”youtube_exclass” type=”text” default=”” label=”Extened Class” description=”Extened Class”/>

    2. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.php and add this block code at line 535
    $post[‘metadata’] = json_encode(array(‘xclass’ => $youtube_exclass));

    3. Add $youtube_exclass= $this->getProperty($profile, ‘youtube_exclass’, ”);</blockquote>

    If you already add this code, just skip.

    <blockquote>4. Open pluginssystemjasocial_feedtablesjoomla.php and add this block code at line 95
    $item[‘metadata’] = isset($post[‘metadata’]) ? $post[‘metadata’] : ”;</blockquote>

    For steps 1, 2, 3, you should find the correct line to add to.


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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