Inline Edit
Change any text you want inline and make it look good with editor format options.

Edit blocks
Configure each block based on pre-defined parameters.

Interact with all Joomla pages
JA Builder supports all Joomla pages and ability to configure layout in Joomla ways.

Video overlay support
You can easily combine any components in a variety of design projects. It’s easy!

Icons Support
There are a lot of different blocks that will help you to make a perfect project.

Responsive config
Use your time for generating new ideas for your startup. Take a break from the routine..

Work with all template & framework
The Joomla page builder works properly with all frameworks and templates.

Compatible with 3rd extensions
Fully compatible with all 3rd extensions: Easysocial, Easyblog, K2, Easydiscuss, Virtuemart, etc.

Image Replacement
Change image for any block by replacing url or upload new image.