
JA Megafilter

Advanced filter Joomla extension

JA Megafilter Introduction

Quick Info

  • Updated on:22 Nov, 2024
  • Version:2.0.5 Changelog
  • Download:7,037
  • (4.3 / 318 votes)

Joomla search and filter extension - JA Megafilter is a powerful and flexible search and filtering system for your Joomla site. Supports multiple filter setup for your Joomla site. The Filter Joomla extension supports HikaShop, K2 component, E-Shop, Virtuemart, JoomShopping. J2Store support is coming soon along with few more. The intuitive configuration panel help you manage the filter with ease, you can enable or disable any filter field. JA Megafilter includes base field filters like title, tags, category, price, manufacturer, brand etc and custom field filter like color or size. For k2 it also supports the author and category fields apart from tags.

Main features:

  • One filter to support multiple extensions.
  • Customized layout and create multiple filters .
  • Easy to customize fields for filter
  • Base fields and custom fields filter
  • Manage or rename filter fields with ease
  • Create filter for specific categories
  • Rows, columns settings for product list item

Supports popular Joomla extensions

Joomla filter system for the following extensions:

  • HikaShop component
  • Virtuemart component
  • E-Shop component
  • K2 component
  • JoomShopping component
  • J2Store component
  • Mijoshop component
  • DOCman Component

Powerful search & filter system

Not all sites have similar filter needs. With JA MegaFilter you can customize how your filter works for users based on product attributes: title, category, price, attributes (color, size), etc.

Intuitive configuration panel

The workflow is super simple, create new filter, select the extension and then select category to configure the filter fields. Now, create new menu item and link to the created filter.

Customized style for supported extensions

Not only function, the design of the filter page in frontend is sleek. Style is customized for all the supported extensions.

Responsive design

JA Megafilter is responsive to help you create search and filter pages that look great in all responsive layouts.

Create multiple filters

Within 1 site, you can create multiple filters pages, the filter pages can support different extensions or different categories from any of the extensions.

Base fields and custom fields filtering

The filter includes 2 filter field type: Base fields like title, category and custom fields like color, size. This depends on the 3rd party extension as each extension has different ways to manage its fields.

Multiple filter type supports

Depending on content type of the filter field, it will load suitable filter type and you can select the filter type for each field: Value, range, Single, Multiple, Dropdown.

Manage filter fields with ease

When you select an extension, filter fields of that extension are auto-loaded in the configuration panel, the field filter is grouped based on the extension field structure. Basically, it has base fields and custom fields group.

Filter field sorting

You can enable or disable the sorting of each filter field.

Rows, columns setting

In JA Mega Filter » Default Layout menu setting, you can configure number of rows and columns per page for displayed items.