
JA Fedora

April 2008 Joomla Template

JA Fedora Introduction

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  • (5 / 7 votes)

This template has been permanently discontinued...

Corporate Business type websites are interestingly popular, however not usually because of their design. Business websites have a stereotype to be simple without any fancy features - however for JoomlArt's 1st template for April 2008 we've taken that idea and squashed it while we developed and released JA Fedora

Together with 3 menu systems (Split Menu, CSS Menu and Moo Menu) and 4 superb colors (Blue, Orange, Green and Red) we've incorporated a JoomlArt first - a Mootools based popup system built into your Joomla system! Do away with the annoying popups in which users hate, and bring in JA Cat Popup - the useful and enjoyful popup system that keeps in the main window of your site!

