
JA Shopping II

Joomla Virtuemart Template

JA Shopping II Introduction

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  • (4 / 8 votes)

This template has been permanently discontinued...

JA Shopping II is the best combination of Joomla! and VirtueMart - the great Shopping Cart component for Joomla.

The JoomlArt June 06 template is inspired and based on the MBT Shopping I template (no longer offered) - one of the most downloaded joomla! templates so far. This has been a much requested template since we moved from Mambotheme to our new JoomlArt home on February 06.

JA Shopping II is still an all DIV based, pure CSS design that incorporates the variable-max ability with 2 screen resolution option.

JA Shopping II comes with a built-in JA split menu system giving you the extra power to provide a convenient and easy navigation system for your Joomla! site.

