
Warm welcome to all Gavick users

JoomlArt - Gavick

I. Before getting started:

  • 1Read Official Announcement by Robert Gavick (Ex-Owner Gavick).
  • 2Read Official Announcement by JoomlArt's CEO.
  • 3Search in your email for welcome email/ account confirmation email from OR Paypal confirmation emails or any communication with gavick team which mentions your earlier Plan with gavick.
  • 4Take a screenshot and send to us as per the instructions below.
  • 5Your account will be created and due membership restored within 24-48 hours of reciept of request.
  • 6If you do not remember the email or have issues retrieving the above said information, please send in a Support Ticket with as much information you can remember along with your old username, possible emails that may have been used. Robert Gavick has agreed to help check this information with his account keeping.

II. Account Restoration Process:

  • 1For users with email / paypal screenshots the process is simple. We check the information recieved and create new accounts with due permissions for such users and they can login by resetting their passwords.
  • 2For users who do not remember or have no proof, just send in your username and emails addresses that might have been associated with older account. We will send it to Robert Gavick to check in his account books and on receiving confirmation the user accounts would be restored.

III. Download access to older Gavick users:

  • 1If your account had a active plan upto 18th October 2017 and you were unable to download your files before the account was terminated by gavick, we will help you.
  • 2Provide us with proof of your previous plan (read I & II above) and we will generate the download link for you.
  • 3These download files will be as they were released till 18th October 2017 on

IV. Plan details:

  • 1lifetime users will be restored as lifetime users with lifetime access to downloads, 6 months of product updates (till 30th April 2018) by JoomlArt and lifetime access to support via Ticket system only.
  • 2Users with purchase between 31st March - 18th Oct 2017 - account restoration with 6 months access (till 30th April 2018)
  • 3Users with expired plans or other plans - can choose from the following options:
    • 3.1 Request download access for all their files.
    • 3.2 Gavick Support Plan for $39 – All Gavick users will be provided Pro Plan. Offer expired on Oct 30.
    • 3.3 OR choose from any of the New pricing Plans at

V. All Theme Package controversy:

  • 1Some users are getting confused about "All Theme Package" Product as a lifetime plan and JoomlArt is at the recieving end of this issue. We want the Gavick users to know that:
    • 1.1 Since we (JoomlArt) have no role in deciding or defining scope of lifetime / not lifetime plans of gavick, such queries would henceforth will not be replied by JoomlArt team but left for Gavick representative to reply in our ticket system.
    • 1.2 The terms of this acquisitions are as decided by Robert Gavick and if it was not JoomlArt as partner, was scheduled to completely cease operations and deleted from servers.
    • 1.3 We (JoomlArt) have performed other acquistions ( & too and have put them back on track with much needed proactive updates, feature releases and pro theme releases, while providing more to users in terms of benefits per plan.
    • 1.4 This acquisition due to it's binding limitations on JoomlArt's role has been a difficult one not only for Gavick users but also for JoomlArt.
    • 1.5 No payment is required to access their download files as promised by the different plans of gavick. All they need to do is follow the steps as outlined in Section III above.