
As you may have seen, Joomla 1.6.0 Stable was released yesterday, and JoomlArt wants to make sure you have the Joomla 1.6 Components, Modules and Plugins you need to build your site using the latest Joomla release. JoomlArt has already released 22 Extensions for the Joomla 1.6.0 release, and we’re working hard to get even more extensions updated to 1.6.0. in the coming days!


JoomlArt is proud to announce 3 new contests for the JoomlArt Community Members! We’ve had some success in the past with our JoomlArt Site of the Month Contest, and our new Reloaded version promises to be bigger and better than ever with something for everyone!


JoomlArt is excited to announce our second round of Joomla 1.6 Templates on the JoomlArt T3v2 Framework. You will find 3 new templates, including JA Teline IV, JA Cloris and JA Rave in this batch of releases. Thanks for all the great feedback so far! Look for more releases next week.


JoomlArt is excited to announce third round of Joomla 1.6 Templates based on the JoomlArt T3 V2 Framework. JA Purity II free, Teline III and JA Ores comprises this release. Thanks for all the great feedback so far, userguides for these newly released templates will be released in their resective forum in the coming week.


There has been a lot of confusion around Joomla 1.6 recently. After 3 years of heavy coding this major upgrade has been finally released in early 2011. Right now many users are wondering what 3rd party support for J1.6 will look like in the next months. Does it make any sense to start a website in J1.6 at the moment? How long should I wait until making any movements for my clients?
