JoomlArt's Blog

Joomla Tutorials, info, Discussions and much more...

Customers are crucial to any business model, and we understand that customer support plays an extremely important role here. It is difficult to make every individual customer happy. Hence I decided to take this opportunity to give you a tour around the workings of the customer support system today, with a few infographics down below (We know how wording can be puzzling and confusing, visualization is a much better option to stick with), and hopefully give you guys a chance to be in our shoes, even for a few minutes.


Warning: Please remember to ALWAYS take due back-up to your site before proceeding to any of the update to Joomla 3.2. Also take in consideration that some of our products are not yet compatible with Joomla 3.2 and we are still working on the upgrading process. We shall give you a heads up when everything is ready.

Joomla 3.2 stable release is finally here after its first public testing release since October 11th, 2013. Then, what's new in Joomla! 3.2?

We put those new features in a quick infographic, so you can share it with your friends to spread the news on Joomla 3.2. It's always something new for everyone!
