Updating Joomla Extensions

Updates, rollbacks made easy

Take full backup

Always do a complete back-up before upgrading Joomla or any extension, so that you can easily rollback if there are issues.

At JoomlArt we recommend following any of the following options to upgrade our free of paid Joomla Templates or Extensions.

1. Download new version and install

If you have not modified / customized files, then proceed to download section and download the latest version.

Login to your site backend > Extensions > Manage and install the new version. The new version will override current version using on your site.

In our download section we maintain all the older versions too, so if the latest version has issues, you can re-install older version from our repo and report the bug in our forum.

2. Using JA Extension Manager component - Recommended for JoomlArt products

#1. Set up JA Extension Manager Component

Over the past 10 years we have learned that at one point of other the members customize directly the core files and these changes are lost on upgrade and at times it can be hard to remember the changes. We recommend using our free JA Extension manager component for performing upgrades or rollbacks. It helps you compare versions, move changes between files, remote installations and much more.

Download the extension HERE and install it.

In the backend proceed to Components → JA Extension Manager then select Service Manager, now set JoomlArt as your default service. Next, hit the "Edit" button then add your JoomlArt's Username and Password.

#2. Update extensions

You can use search function or extension filter to find the extension you wish to upgrade, then hit the "Check Update" button.

Reload the page and you can now see available versions. In case you want to rollback, just hit the Rollback button and select version to roll back to.

Watch the video below and you would be amazed, how easy yet powerful our JA Extensions Manager is.

Note : If you are logged in and still not able to download, then please reset your password and that should fix the issue. It is a known bug


If you are logged in and still not able to download, then please reset your password and that should fix the issue. It is a known bug