Products Updates

Joomla Products Updates & Version release info

JA Comment V 1.0.5 is released. Its a bug fix and improvement version release. Some highlights of this release:

  1. JA Comment Integration to K2 (Instructions in this thread).
  2. Compatible with sh404SEF (thanks to  Victor Drover, Yannick Gaultier and the Anything Digital team).
  3. Supports avatar from vBulletin and Kunena.

Complete changelog HERE. download it HERE and View latest Demo on JA Norite template.


Looking towards the forum threads and issues pertaining to compatibility of JA Joomla Products with the new PHP 5.3 version, It is to announce that, All of the JA Joomla! Templates and Extensions have been updated to work with PHP 5.3.0 version. It is equally important to note that, we have updated the versions for all the templates / extension for this update. The versions available in the Download Sections are the latest ones, some of which may include the fixes for other minor issues also.

it is strongly advised, to take due backups of the templates / extensions, before trying to update live sites.

The list of templates and Extensions fixed can be VIEWED ONLINE HERE.

If you are NOT running PHP 5.3, do not worry, no need to update. If the template is affected, then the fix is in 1-2 files only, and the same has been pointed out in the online sheet, you can download the package and replace the file (take backup of old file). If its the extension, take screenshots of the backend settings of module affected and then reinstall and redo the backend settings.

Discuss this update in forums HERE.


JM Morganite, Magento Template for Feb 2010 has been released and is running on Magento . All the other JM templates are also being made compatible with the latest version of Magento. An announcement for the same shall be made at an earliest. JM Morganite Live Demo is HERE, Discuss it HERE and Download it HERE.


It gives me pleasure to announce the release of two bonus Joomla templates for JATC members. The templates are JA Mesolite II and JA Zeolite II, which are totally rewritten and now running on T3 Framework. Links for their demo and forums are given below. Both the bonus templates as on the release date (today) supports Viruemart Version 1.1.4.

Demo Sites : JA Mesolite II & JA Zeolite II

Forums & Userguides : JA Mesolite II & JA Zeolite II

