Extra Fields

How to work with Extra Fields in Uber template

In Uber template, we use extra fields for article to add some special content for the article. We have Extra field for Job article and for Product article. In this section, we will show you how to use extra fields for Job article.

article extra fields

How to use the extra fields ?

Step 1 - create category and assign extra field group - Job in the JA Extra Fields tab.

assign extra field group for category

Step 2 - open article editing panel of the category that we assigned extra field group for, in the JA Extra Fields tab, add content for extra fields.

add value for extra fields

Get the extra fields displayed in front-page

The extra fields are defined to load in Articles Category module. Here is the front-page of the Articles Category that load articles that has extra fields for Job.

Article categories

Follow the steps to create such module:

Create Articles Category module

Go to Extensions → Module Manager then hit the "New" button, select Articles Category menu type.

Article categories

Module setting

Module position: home-corporate
Module Suffix:  job-layout
Alternative layout:  job-layout

The module position depends on which layout your site is using. In this case, the module is assigned to home-coporate position this mean it's using

Configure the module as in the SCREENSHOT

How to add new extra fields ?

Step 1 - define extra fields in .xml file

All the extra fields of extra field group - Job are included in the templates\uber\etc\extrafields\job.xml file. Let see how the extra fields are defined.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fields name="attribs">
    <fieldset name="extra-fields_1" label="TPL_GROUP_EXTRA_FIELDS_LABEL" description="" group="extrafields">
		    <field name="icon" type="text" label="TPL_ICON_AWESOME" description="TPL_ICON_AWESOME_DESC"/>
			<field name="position" type="text" label="TPL_POSITION_JOBS" description="TPL_POSITION_JOBS_DESC"/>
		    <field name="location" type="text" label="TPL_LOCATION" description="TPL_LOCATION_DESC"/>
			<field name="employment" type="text" label="TPL_EMPLOTMENT" description="TPL_EMPLOTMENT_DESC"/>
			<field name="job" type="text" label="TPL_JOBLEVEL" description="TPL_JOBLEVEL_DESC"/>
			<field name="salary" type="text" label="TPL_SALARY" description="TPL_SALARY_DESC"/>
			<field name="closing" type="text" label="TPL_CLOSING_DATE" description="TPL_CLOSING_DATE_DESC"/>
			<field name="soft" type="textarea" label="TPL_SOFT_SKILL" description="TPL_SOFT_SKILL_DESC" cols="40" rows="5" filter="RAW"/>
			<field name="link_1" type="text" label="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_1" description="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_DESC" size="40" filter="RAW"/>
			<field name="link_2" type="text" label="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_2" description="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_DESC" size="40" filter="RAW"/>
			<field name="link_3" type="text" label="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_3" description="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_DESC" size="40" filter="RAW"/>
			<field name="link_4" type="text" label="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_4" description="TPL_LINK_SOCIAL_DESC" size="40" filter="RAW"/>
			<field name="link_5" type="text" label="TPL_LINK_BUTTON" description="TPL_LINK_BUTTON_DESC" size="40" filter="RAW"/>

You can add new extra field to the file using the format above.

Language of extra fields in back-end is added to the file: en-GB.tpl_uber.sys.ini and for front-page, please add to the file: en-GB.tpl_uber.ini.

; Extra fields for Article
TPL_LOCATION			="Location"
TPL_JOB					="Level"
TPL_CLOSING				="Closing Date"
TPL_SOFT				="Soft Skills"

Step 2 - call the extra fields in the override layout of Articles Category module.

We created a layout for Articles Category, open the layout file: templates\uber\html\mod_articles_category\job.php, call the extra fields that you just added to the job.xml file. Here is a sample code to call a new extra field.

<?php if($extrafields->get('location')) :?>
	<div class="element">
		<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>
		<b><?php echo JText::_('TPL_LOCATION'); ?>: </b>
		<?php echo $extrafields->get('location'); ?>
<?php endif ;?>

Detail documentation →

In this section, we will show you how to create special content on Product page like Live Demo, Purchase, Pricing, etc using Extra fields.

article extra fields

How to use the extra fields ?

Step 1 - create category and assign extra field group - Product in the JA Extra Fields tab.

assign extra field group for category

Step 2 - open article editing panel of the category that we assigned extra field group for, in the JA Extra Fields tab, add content for extra fields: Sub-title, live demo link, download link, product type, etc.

add value for extra fields

Get the extra fields displayed in front-page

The extra fields are defined to load in Articles » Products Layout menu type. Follow the steps to create such module:

1. Create menu with "Articles » Products Layout" menu type

Go to Menu → Add new menu item, select "Articles » Products Layout" menu type.

menu type setting

Menu setting

Selecting category that you assigned the extra field group product for, add the Page Class product-layout are the main settings for the menu. For more detail, please check out the detail menu setting SCREENSHOT

How to add new extra fields ?

Step 1 - define extra fields in .xml file

All the extra fields of extra field group - Job are included in the templates\uber\etc\extrafields\product.xml file. Let see how the extra fields are defined.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fields name="attribs">
    <fieldset name="extra-fields" label="TPL_GROUP_EXTRA_FIELDS_LABEL" description="" group="extrafields">
		    <field name="title_caption" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_SUB_TITLE_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_SUB_TITLE_DESC"    />
			<field name="live_demo" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_LIVE_DEMO_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_LIVE_DEMO_DESC" />
		    <field name="download" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_DESC" />
		 	<field name="document"  type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_DOCUMENT_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_DOCUMENT_DESC" />
			<field name="blogreview" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_BLOGREVIEW_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_BLOGREVIEW_DESC" />
		  	<field name="type" type="list" multiple="true" default="theme" label="TPL_CONTENT_TYPE_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_TYPE_DESC"> 
				<option value="theme">Theme</option>
	            <option value="extension">Extension</option>
		    <field name="bugtracker" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_BUGTRACKER_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_BUGTRACKER_DESC" />
			<field name="price" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_PRICE_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_PRICE_DESC" />  
		    <field name="version" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_VERSION_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_VERSION_DESC" />
		    <field name="lastupdate" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_LASTUPDATE_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_LASTUPDATE_DESC" />
			<field name="requirement" type="text" label="TPL_CONTENT_REQUIREMENT_LABEL" description="TPL_CONTENT_REQUIREMENT_DESC" />

You can add new extra fields to the file using the format above or change the existing fields.

Language of extra fields is added to the file: en-GB.tpl_uber.sys.ini.

Step 2 - call the extra fields in the override layout

We created a layout for product layout, open the layout file: templates\uber\html\com_content\article\product.php, call the extra fields that you just added to the product.xml file. Here is a sample code to call a new extra field.

Define parameter:

$title_caption = $extraContent['title_caption'];

Then call the defined parameter to the position in the article you want.

<?php if($title_caption): echo '<p class="product-tagline blockline">'.$title_caption.'</p>'; endif; ?>

Detail documentation →

Extra field for module

For modules used in Uber template, it supports extra fields. Open module setting panel, you would see the JA Extra Fields tab, open the tab and add content for the extra fields.

extra field for module

How to add new extra fields ?

All the extra fields for module are defined in the templates/uber/etc/form/com_modules.module.xml file. To add new extra fields, just define the extra field in the .xml file.

Extra field groups for module

Here is the extra fields defined in the .xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<fields name="params">
		<fieldset name="custom-field" label="JA Extra Fields" description="">
			<field name="module-intro" type="textarea" default="" label="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_INTRO_LABEL" description="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_INTRO_DESC" filter="RAW" />
			<field name="module-background" type="media" default="" label="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_BACKGROUND_LABEL" description="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_BACKGROUND_DESC" />
			<field name="module-background-size" type="text" default="cover" label="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_BACKGROUNDSIZE_LABEL" description="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_BACKGROUNDSIZE_DESC" />
			<field name="module-background-position" type="text" default="center" label="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_BACKGROUNDPO_LABEL" description="TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_BACKGROUNDPO_DESC" />

Language of the extra fields are defined in the file en-GB.tpl_uber.sys.ini.

Call the extra fields to display in front-page

The Extra fields are called in the templates\uber\html\modules.php. Open that file and call new added extra fields in the .xml file. Here is the function to call default extra fields.

function modChrome_T3section($module, &$params, &$attribs)
	$badge          = preg_match ('/badge/', $params->get('moduleclass_sfx'))? ' ' : '';
	$moduleTag      = htmlspecialchars($params->get('module_tag', 'div'));
	$headerTag      = htmlspecialchars($params->get('header_tag', 'h3'));
	$headerClass    = $params->get('header_class');
	$bootstrapSize  = $params->get('bootstrap_size');
	$moduleClass    = !empty($bootstrapSize) ? ' col-sm-' . (int) $bootstrapSize . '' : '';
	$moduleClassSfx = htmlspecialchars($params->get('moduleclass_sfx'));
	$moduleIntro    = $params->get('module-intro');
  $bgImage        = $params->get('module-background');
  $bgImageSize    = $params->get('module-background-size');
  $bgImagePo      = $params->get('module-background-position','center center');
  $moduleBg       = $bgImage ? 'style="background-image: url('/ . JUri::base(true) . '/' . $bgImage . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: '.$bgImagePo.'; background-size: '.$bgImageSize.'"' : '';

	if (!empty ($module->content)) {
		$html = "<{$moduleTag} class=\"section{$moduleClassSfx} {$moduleClass}\" id=\"section-{$module->id}\" " . $moduleBg . ">" .
" . $badge; if ($module->showtitle != 0) { $html .= "<{$headerTag} class=\"section-title {$headerClass}\">{$module->title}


"; } $html .= "
"; echo $html; } }

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