T3 Framework Joomla template installation video tutorial
The step by step video tutorial on how to install T3 framework. In this video we will guide you 2 ways of installation: T3 Quickstart installation and T3 Manual Installation. The steps in the video are same for when you install any other Joomla template.
Video Transcript
Hi, this is Peter from JoomlArt. In this video, I’ll be doing the tutorial about how to install the T3 version 3 Framework both Quickstart and the manual installation. This video will have 3 main parts.
- Downloading T3 packages
- Quickstart Installation
- and the Mannual installation.
Let's get started with the Download section.
Now, we are going to the Homepage of T3: t3-framework.org. Next, come to the top and click on the Download menu. Ok, find that ok? Now let's scroll down. You can see there are multiple packages for you to download, we have Quickstart package, T3 blank, and the Framework plugin.
First, we're gonna install Quickstart package. Do you see that? T3 Quickstart for Joomla either 2.5 or Joomla 3.0. In this example, we are going to use 3.0. You click, Download, ok, now proceed download the file and click Download.
Now, let’s move on to the next part, installing the Quickstart. Now, find the file you just downloaded. We have to unzip it first or extract the file. That's gonna take just a few seconds to unzip. So in this tutorial, we’re gonna install in our localhost, this means on our computer, this is so we can practice and play around with it before we put it on the internet, you don't need to have hosting account or pay for anything. You can just use on your computer like this.
So we go open the browser, we’re gonna come down, type in localhost. Now we’re gonna go to the extracted folder of the framework. Ok, you see this? So here's the index T3 blank. Ok, first is the Configuration. So please fill in all the required information like the Site Name. You can put in the description if you want, don’t have to. But make sure you put in the email, a username and a password. So that's admin account. The username is what you used to manage your site when you log in your site and the password goes with the username. Make sure you write these down and keep these in safe place so you don't forget them. Now we’re gonna type the password one more time to confirm. So this option lets you set your site to offline mode or online mode, right now we’re gonna keep them in default option.
Ok, then next, now we're in Database Configuration page. Ok, so we select the Database Type, either MySQLi or MySQL, then we're gonna enter your host name here. We’re gonna use a localhost. Now we’re gonna type the username and password and database name. Everything is going ok? Now set options of back-up or remove all databases if database name you enter is existing already. See that? Simple one click of the mouse.
Now we're going to the last part of the installation process. Ok, now we're in Overview page. So as you can see, we can install sample data, we are gonna use the third one down – the Default English, we recommend you use the sample data. Set up the Email Configuration and include password in the email. Now we're going to click Install. Now it can take a few minutes for this to install so don't worry.
When it installed, you get a green screen says “Congratulations! Joomla is now installed”. For security purposes, remember to rename or delete the installation folder in the root folder of your site, you have to do this before you can start changing your site.
Let's get started by going to the admin panel. So, using the account we created, please log in. Ok now in the back-end of your site, go to: Extensions >> Template Manager. Now you can see the multiple styles of the T3 version 3 blank template. And we can view the front-end to see what the site looks like to start. Great. So now you have T3 site exactly the same as the T3 demo site. This is to make it a lot easier for you to understand what's going on when you change things in back-end. Having the sample data, having the images here let you see the changes more effectively than if everything was explained.
Last, we go to the section Manual Installation. Ok, for manual installation, you can use the T3 package that includes in the T3 plugin and the T3 blank template, you can also install the themes one by one. So let's download the T3 package.
Ok, now open the site that you want to install the package in. Ok, it is the newest release from Joomla so here's the front-page of the Joomla 3.15 site. Now go to the admin of our site, enter the username and the password to access. Now go to Extensions >> Extension Manager, we’re gonna browse the installation package of T3 that we’ve just downloaded. So let's find that file, and we go click on the Upload and the Install button. So here's some references for you: Demo, Documentation. Remember you can always go to t3-framework.org. Ok, that'll have video tutorials, that'll have forms free asking questions on the discussions, we have documentations with screenshots to teach you what to do.
So let's make sure the T3 plugin is enabled, so gonna check that, we're gonna to Extensions >> Plugin Manager. We’re gonna search, type T3 to make this quicker. As you can see in here it's enabled, see the green check? It's enabled by default.
Now we need to set T3 Blank template as your default template. So let's go to Template Manager, click here to set it as the default template. Now, let's check the front-end. As you can see, it works pretty well. It’s all set.
Ok, we hope you enjoyed this video tutorial about T3 version 3 Framework, how to install it and how to get started. There are plenty other of tutorials available about the T3 Framework on http://www.youtube.com/joomlart go check them out.