Configure Joomla megamenu animation video tutorial
In this T3 Framework video tutorial, you will learn how to add animation effect for Megamenu for your Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3 sites. There are 4 animation types, for each animation type selected, you can set the duration when you hover or change menus.
Video Transcript:
Hi, this is Peter from JoomlArt. And today we are excited to announce that T3 version 3 Framework now supports the option to add effects for Mega Menu with one click.
From the back-end settings of Mega Menu, you will see 2 fields: animation and duration. The Animation field includes all effect types supported. We have: fading, slide, zoom, and elastic.
Ok, first, we're gonna try the Fading effect. You can see. You also need to change the duration. The higher the value, the slower the effect is. Remember to always save your settings and when you successful save, the message "Style successfully saved" will show up. Now we're gonna show you these features in the front end of the site. In the main menu, you can see that the mega menu now uses the fading effect when you open or move menus.
Now we're gonna show you the Sliding effect. Let's open the menu again. And now you can see how the menu is slided in and out.
Now, let's check Zoom effect. For the Zoom effect, the menu will be zoomed in and out when you open or change any menus.
And, the final effect we're gonna look at is Elastic. If you select this effect, when you open or change menus, it will look like this.
So that's the new feature of the T3 version 3 Framework: Animated Mega Menus. We hope that you love this feature and stay tuned for more exciting developements in the future.