Joomla extension configuration

Detail configuration of Default Joomla extension

Custom HTML Module: We have styled (CSS) for several Custom HTML modules using different div classes. You should check out the HTML codes in these module and follow the same format in order to get it displayed correctly. We do also provide the HTML code for your references.

Turn off Editor

Go to: "System → Global configuration", select "Editor - None" for the "Default Editor" field. If you does not turn off editor, it can strip some HTML.

1. Get In Touch

Get in touch module

Module position: off-canvas-2
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Custom HTML

<div class="get-touch"><a class="button" href="/Custom-Work"> Get In Touch </a></div>

2. Follow

follow button

Module position: off-canvas-2
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Custom HTML

<!-- AddThis Follow BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_32x32_style addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_follow" addthis:userid="joomlart"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>
<a class="addthis_button_twitter_follow" addthis:userid="joomlart"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>
<a class="addthis_button_google_follow" addthis:userid="joomlart"><i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- AddThis Follow END -->

This is the embed code from AddThis service. You can sign up for free and get your own social follow code.

3. Gray module

gray module

Module position: sidebar-2
Module Suffix: grey

Custom HTML

<img src="/images/joomlart/sample-adv-1.jpg" alt="Sample image" />
<a href="#" title="Sample link">Interdum gravida</a> non vestibulum ut justo est ut adipiscing tempor <strong>$10</strong> libero.

4. Banner module

banner module

Module position: sidebar-2
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Custom HTML

<a href="#" title="Sample banner"><img src="/images/joomlart/sample-adv-2.jpg" alt="Sample banner" /></a>

5. Highlight module

highlight module

Module position: sidebar-2
Module Suffix: hilite

Custom HTML

Suspendisse nibh penatibus semper ante quis risus nibh curabitur ut eu. Sagittis sapien eget tortor ut nam dui Nullam elit augue elit. Phasellus phasellus venenatis elit magnis nulla nulla eu nisl.

6. Black module

black module

Module position: sidebar-2
Module Suffix: black

Custom HTML

<div class="big-typo">
<i class="fa fa-joomla"></i>
<p>How to install the JA Jason</a> on your website?</p>

This module will display a search box in assigned position.

search module front

Here is the setting of the module in JA Jason demo site

Module position: head-search
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Module backend setting

This module displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled, another link will be shown to enable self-registration for users.

login module

Here is the setting of the module in JA Jason demo site

Module position: head-search
Module Suffix: NOT USED

Module backend setting

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